Community Health Nursing ASN 260 Chapter 12-Iggy Community Emergency Preparedness & response S. Tapp MSN BSN RN 1 ADN 260/RN 12
Objectives The student will be able to: Identify components of and key personnel roles in an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Identify agents that could potentially be used in a terrorist event and the nurse’s role in assessment and care of clients exposed to these agents 2 ADN 260/RN 12
Components of Disaster Management Disaster- an event that causes human suffering and demands more resources than are available in the community, may be man-made or natural Preparation- Federal Response Plan- a gov. plan which includes FEMA, US Public Health Services, CDC & others- guides the coordinated efforts of all Identification and assessment of population at risk B4 disaster Have established communication protocol in place Have mock drills/mock disasters to practice plan 3 ADN 260/RN 12
Components of Disaster Management - Continued Disaster response Agencies have different responsibilities Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Office of Emergency Management (OEM), Red Cross Assessment of how big area is affected Nursing role includes triage, prioritizing care, transferring Disaster recovery The length of time it takes to restore the community Sanitation control PTSD Nursing role includes triage officer, counseling, home care, reassessment of needs of the population 4 ADN 260/RN 12
Agents of Bioterrorism Category A – smallpox, botulism toxin, anthrax Highest Priority agents Pose a risk to national security Easily transmitted High mortality rates Category B – typhus, cholera Second highest priority Moderately easy to disseminate High morbidity, low mortality rates Category C – Hantavirus Third highest priority Emerging pathogens Easy to produce Potential for high morbidity & mortality rates 5 ADN 260/RN 12
Triage Triage usual conditions Emergent- life threatening Urgent- major injuries/ stat treatment Non urgent- minor injuries Triage Mass causality Emergent- life threat- RED tag Urgent- major injuries- YELLOW tag Non urgent-minor injuries- GREEN tag Expectant- death eminent- BLACK tag 6 ADN 260/RN 12
Disaster Recovery/Resolution Prevent exhaustion of nursing staff Have adequate supplies to maintain normal operations Debriefing- prevent PTSD (see p. 165) 7 ADN 260/RN 12
Objectives Review The student will be able to: Identify components of and key personnel roles in an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Identify agents that could potentially be used in a terrorist event and the nurse’s role in assessment and care of clients exposed to these agents 8 ADN 260/RN 12