John Reflection on the Life of Jesus Focus on the last week of Jesus
John Written around 85 or later By John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” As a later reflection on the life and person of Jesus “Gospel of Belief”
John 11 ~ Jesus Raises Lazarus :1-16 He says Lazarus is dead for God’s glory. He delays visiting his grieving friends. He then goes in the face of danger. He tells the disciples what he is doing for them. :17-27 He tells Mary that Lazarus will rise. She acknowledges him as “The Resurrection and the Life,” the giver of eternal life, the Christ and the Son of God. :28-45 He responds to the death of Lazarus. :28-36 He shows his compassion for the loss of his friend. :37-45 He raises Lazarus from death. :46-57 Jewish leaders plot to kill Jesus. Caiaphas makes an unintended prophecy. Jesus withdraws from public life.
Jesus Is Popular Around Jerusalem – Jn 12 :1-12 Jesus, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in Bethany Mary is the one who anoints Jesus. Judas (who embezzled) is the one who objects. Crowds come to see Lazarus, raised from death. Chief priests want to kill Lazarus, because his resurrection makes people leave to follow Jesus. :19 Pharisees, seeing Triumphal Entry, complain that the world has gone to follow Jesus. :20-26 Greeks seek to see Jesus. :27-50 Jesus explains why he must suffer. A voice from heaven acknowledges him. He says Judgment is now coming – “the ruler of this world is being cast out.” He says by being lifted up he will draw all to him. Even some rulers (secretly) believe.
Jesus Prepares For the End – Jn 13 :5-20 Jesus washes the disciples feet – including Judas. :21-30 Jesus lets Judas know that he is aware that he will betray him. :31-35 Jesus gives a new commandment. Love one another as he loves. Make mutual love the mark of belonging to him.
Parting Words From Jesus – Jn :1-6 Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life 14:7-20 Jesus is One with the Father. 14:21-31 The Spirit will be Helper/Comforter. 15:12-17 Love one another. 16:5-15 The Spirit will glorify Jesus and guide the apostles into all truth.
Jesus Prays for His Disciples – Jn 17 :1-5 He is ready to “glorify” the Father. :6-12 He prays for God to bless the disciples now that he is leaving :13-21 He prays for God to sanctify them. :22-26 He prays for God to glorify them in the end.
John 18 ~ Jesus Goes To Trial :1-11 Jesus delivers himself to be arrested. Judas leads Jewish and Roman officers to Jesus. Stunned Roman soldiers arrest Jesus. :12-24 Jesus stands up to the former priest. Jesus tells Annas that his teachings are public. Jesus questions his mistreatment. Annas sends Jesus to the reigning high priest. :15-18, Peter denies Jesus. He denies Jesus three times. He weeps when the rooster crows. :28+ The high priest delivers Jesus to Pilate
John 18 ~ Jesus Stands Before Pilate :28-32 Pilate and Jews argue jurisdiction. The high priest delivers Jesus to the Praetorium (Roman governor’s headquarters). Pilate wants Jews to deal with their own charges. Jews tell Pilate they need him for capital charges. :33-40 Jesus stands up to Pilate Pilate asks if Jesus is “King of the Jews.” Jesus answers. His kingdom is not of this world. He sovereignty is in testimony to the truth. Pilate equivocates. “What is truth?” “Give us Barabbas.”
John 19 ~ Jesus endures humiliation. :1-5 He endures mockery. “Royal treatment” with slaps in the face. Innocence declaration with shameful display. :6-16 He endures perversion of justice. Pilate finds no guilt in Jesus. Jews demand crucifixion for claimed “Son of God.” Jesus tells Pilate this is from “above.” Pilate tries to release Jesus. Pilate chooses to appear “a friend to Caesar.” He gives in and hands Jesus over for crucifixion.
John 19 ~ Jesus dies on the Cross. :16-30 He suffers at Golgotha. He carries his own cross to the execution. “King of the Jews” is posted over him in (Hebrew), Latin, and Greek. Soldiers gamble for his clothes. Jesus commends his mother to “the disciple whom he loved.” (John) He declares it “finished,” and dies. :31-42 His body goes to the tomb. Soldiers pierce the dead body; then blood and water pour out. Joseph of Arimathea arranges the burial.
John 20 ~ Jesus rises from death. Mary Magdalene discovers the Resurrection. She sends Peter and John to the empty tomb. Jesus surprises her with a personal visit. She tells all the disciples. Jesus meets with disciples on that Sunday. He shows them his wounds. He blesses them with peace, Spirit, and mission. He convinces Thomas. Thomas proclaims, “My Lord and My God!” Jesus blesses believers who haven’t seen. John explains why he has written this book. He gives only a representative account. He inspires faith that leads to eternal life.
John 21 ~ Jesus visits disciples again. :1-14 He uses a setting familiar to them. He comes to them as they are back fishing. He performs another miracle “at sea.” He again shares a meal with them. :15-25 Jesus teaches some final lessons. He teaches Peter what real love is. He prepares Peter and John for different ends.
Harmony of the Gospels