Jesus proved who He was, Jn. 20:30, 31 Water to wine Healing blind, sick, lame Feeding 5,000
Ultimate evidence is the resurrection, His resurrection Resurrection of others
Lazarus’ illness led to death, 11:1-16 Jesus learned of his illness, 1-6 -Mary & Martha, Lk. 10: Love for them -For glory of God
Lazarus’ illness led to death, 11:1-16 Leaves after his death, Return to Judea, 8:59; 10:31 -Work to do -Sleep = death, Acts 7:60 -Plain speech
Jesus spoke with sisters, 11:17-37 Dead four days Crowd gathered
Jesus spoke with sisters, 11:17-37 Martha -Believe Jesus had power -Foretold of resurrection -Misunderstood -Resurrection & Life -Confession
Jesus spoke with sisters, 11:17-37 Mary -Secretly called -Immediate response -Jews followed -Reverence -Jesus troubled
Jesus raise Lazarus, 11:38-44 Lazarus in tomb
Jesus raise Lazarus, 11:38-44 Lazarus in tomb Four days Already told Prayer for crowd’s sake Lazarus raised
Some people believed, 11:45 Some reported to the Pharisees, 11:46
Jews plotted to kill Jesus, 11:47-53 Admitted signs Concern about their power Caiaphas predicts death Plot Jesus’ death
Jesus left the area, 11:54-57 Passover approaching People wonder Standing arrest order
Jesus proved who He was, Jn. 20:30, 31 Water to wine Healing blind, sick, lame Feeding 5,000
Ultimate evidence is the resurrection, His resurrection Resurrection of others