Human Intimacy The Gift & Challenge of Loving
‘Is there enough love…?’ The Crisis of Relationships
For Maturing Adults Only Beyond the popular understanding of intimacy. Beyond the popular understanding of intimacy. The demanding journey toward authentic intimacy. The demanding journey toward authentic intimacy.
God is Love Inner Life of God: Inner Life of God: Source of Intimacy
Rublev’s Trinity Icon of Divine & Human Intimacy. The Com-Unity of God.
Trinity as Overflowing Love Perichoresis—The Inner ‘Dance of Relationship’ in God. Perichoresis—The Inner ‘Dance of Relationship’ in God. Church as sacrament of relationship. Church as sacrament of relationship. ‘May they be one, as we are one…” ‘May they be one, as we are one…”
What is Intimacy? Biblical Metaphor (John 15) Biblical Metaphor (John 15) I Call You Friends…Because I have made known everything… I Call You Friends…Because I have made known everything…
What is Intimacy? Loving behavior that is manifested through Loving behavior that is manifested throughself-disclosure.
Circles & Levels of Intimacy Family Colleagues Faith Community Closest Friends Spouse/Partner
Levels & Circles: Jesus The Crowds. The Crowds. Jewish leaders. Jewish leaders. The 72. The 72. The Twelve. The Twelve. Special 3 (Peter, James, John). Special 3 (Peter, James, John). Closest friends (Mary,Martha Lazarus). Closest friends (Mary,Martha Lazarus).
Self-Intimacy—Foundational The great commandment and self- acceptance. The great commandment and self- acceptance. ‘our own wounded self’ (Jung). ‘our own wounded self’ (Jung).
Love matters…
The Dance of Intimacy Intime—Inside, Deep Within. Intime—Inside, Deep Within. Intimidare—to cause fear, to intimidate. Intimidare—to cause fear, to intimidate.
Inside of…? Body Body Stories Stories Feelings Feelings Thoughts Thoughts Values & Beliefs Values & Beliefs Personal History Personal History
Self-Disclosure “ Heart of Intimacy”. “ Heart of Intimacy”. Becoming transparent. Becoming transparent.
Self-Disclosure—a Challenge ‘Tell all’ culture. ‘Tell all’ culture. ‘Vicarious intimacy.’ ‘Vicarious intimacy.’ Healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries. Appropriate self-disclosure. Appropriate self-disclosure.
Varieties of Intimacy Face-to-FaceSide-by-SideBack-to-Back
This is how they will know… That you have LOVE for one another… That you have LOVE for one another…