Devices of Satire
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Definition of “satire”: Writing that ridicules or criticizes individuals, ideas, institutions, social conventions, or other works of art or literature. The writer of a satire, the satirist, may use a tolerant, sympathetic tone or an angry, bitter tone.
Characteristics of Satire Concerned with ethical reform, attacking those institutions or individuals the satirist deems corrupt. Makes problems laughable to bring social pressure on those who continue to engage in the corruption Seeks reform, heightened standards for behavior/policy, or, at least, to bring a wake-up call to an otherwise obliviously corrupt society.
(more) Characteristics of Satire Not a sermon: message is implicit and assumes readers who can pick up on subtle moral cues (how does this impact argumentative effectiveness?) Witty, ironic, and often exaggerated; uses extremes to make a point Generally attacks types-- the fool, the proud, the vulnerable, the greedy– rather than individuals If individuals are attacked, the message is usually to warn the public against approving this person (as opposed to…?)
Two Types of Satire Horatian: Gentle, witty, dry; named for Roman satirist, Horace Juvenalian: harsh, bitter, condemning, indignant; named for Roman satirist, Juvenal
Context: Featured in the computer magazine PC Zone in response to popular criticism of the game “Tomb Raider” as promoting violence toward animals.
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Devices of Satire (key terms) Absurdity: something that seems like it would never happen, but could (example: adolescents in The Giver are administered medication to control “the stirrings”) Exaggeration, overstatement, or hyperbole Something that does happen but is exaggerated to absurd lengths; most common type of satire (example: caricature; see first image) Understatement: An incomplete or less-than-true statement; sarcasm that aims to evoke change Parody: a mocking imitation, often of a literary work (example: Monty Python is a parody of chivalrous, Arthurian literature/film)
Devices of Satire (more key terms) Pun : A play on words that are identical or similar in sound but have sharply different meanings (example: The Importance of Being Earnest (“earnest” as a quality and Earnest as a character name) Irony: Conveying the opposite of what is expected (Alanis Morisette and The "Irony" Debate) Denotation v. Connotation: Denotation is the dictionary definition of a word; connotation is the positive or negative association we make with a word Metonymy: Designation of one thing with something closely associated with it (example: calling old people “grays” or calling a queen “the crown”)
Devices of Satire (more key terms) Oxymoron: A rhetorical antithesis which juxtaposes two contradictory terms (example: “wise fool” or “deafening silence”) YouTube on Oxymorons Synechdoche: Using part of something to designate its whole (“threads” or “wheels”)) Ambiguity: A situation which can be interpreted in one of (usually just) two ways. (example: Q: “Should I turn left? Or… I should turn right, shouldn’t I?” A: “Right.”) Paradox: A seemingly contradictory statement or situation which is actually true. (example: unity means exclusion)
Comedian Charlie Chaplin (WWII, before U.S. involvement) Image #2 Image #1: Comedian Charlie Chaplin (WWII, before U.S. involvement)