Title I, Part A Program Title I, Part A provides educational services to schools with high percentages of children from low-income families by providing resources to assist in closing the student achievement gap. The goal is for all children to meet challenging state academic standards. Title I provides: innovative programs to meet the goals outlined in the strategic plan, supplemental materials to qualified schools, additional instructional support to qualified schools, additional academic and enrichment opportunities, parental involvement strategies and activities, support to the district’s Voluntary Prekindergarten Program (VPK). FEDERAL PROGRAMS
Title I Schools Schools are classified as Title I when they have more than 75% of children from low income families. This percentage is determined by calculating the percentage of economically disadvantaged students based on the school Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) data and/or Free/Reduced Lunch meals data. Once the 75% rule is applied, grade span groupings can be used to include additional schools. Duval County Public Schools included: Elementary schools with a percentage above 55%, Middle schools with a percentage above 71%, and High Schools with a percentage above 42%. FEDERAL PROGRAMS
Title I School Allocations A formula is used to determine the Title I School Allocation. Information to determine the allocation includes: Total Enrollment of students ages 5-17 Number of children from low income families CEP or Free/Reduced Lunch The per pupil allocation (PPA) for the school year is $445 for schools with a higher National School Lunch Program Count and $345 for schools with lower count. FEDERAL PROGRAMS
Title I School Allocation Example – CEP School FEDERAL PROGRAMS School Enrollment 500 ED Student Count 297 Percentage ED Students 475/500 / 95% NSLP Count 297 x 1.6 x 475 CEP Multiplier 1.6 District Per Pupil Allocation $445 or $345 Allocation 475 x 345 x $163, Note: This number cant exceed the school enrollment. If this is a Free/Reduced lunch school, the multiplier is not used and the ED student count is equal to the NSLP Count. Note: The PPA is determined by the district in accordance to rank and serve procedures. Any school with a % of ED students under 100% receives $345 (CEP causes many schools to go over 100% for rank and serve)
Title I School Allocations Title I school allocations vary from year to year. Reasons include: Amount of the district allocation Number of Title I schools (Public, Public Charter, Private) Amount of the Per Pupil Allocations School Enrollment FEDERAL PROGRAMS
Title I Schools The district implements Title I schoolwide programs and districtwide programs. Schoolwide Programs - have flexibility in using Title I funds to upgrade the operation of the entire school. Districtwide Programs - benefit all of the Title I schools or schools with specific criteria for targeted improvement based on the district needs assessment. Cultural STEAM Experiences Graduation Coaches City Year Mentors Content Area Specialists FEDERAL PROGRAMS
Components of a Title I School All Title I schools must: Complete a comprehensive needs assessment Implement school reform strategies Employ highly qualified staff Provide high-quality professional development Recruit highly qualified teachers Incorporate parent involvement Implement transition strategies Involve teachers in instructional decisions Develop specific instructional activities for students Coordinate and integrate resources and services from federal, state, and local sources FEDERAL PROGRAMS