BPS K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Action Team October 29, :30-3:30 EAC-Hawthorn/Sycamore
Connector Activity On a post it note, write down one thing that is going well at your level with our current social studies curriculum. On another post it note, write down one thing that would improve it. Find someone you don’t know, introduce yourselves and take turns sharing and responding (one minute each). Place your post-it notes on the T chart…if you find the same comment, layer your post-it on top (use tape if you have to make them stick).
Our Team Members PLEASE SHARE… Your name (Please wear a name tag), What you teach/do and where, AND Something that inspires you as a social studies educator, OR Your greatest hope for our work as a CAT? Also…let us know if you are a SALT member. New Zealand An ancient tradition of the Maori, the hongi involves the rubbing or touching of noses when two people meet. It is a symbolic act referred to as the ‘ha’ or the 'breath of life’, which is considered to come directly from the gods.
GOALS for Today Understand the role of our Curriculum Action Team Identify core values that will shape our work Create a district social studies narrative of our current state Draft a vision for K-12 social studies that will guide future work Review current and proposed state standards
NORMS Listen fully and respectfully. Balance your perspectives (K-12 and grade specific). Hold confidentially the experiences and revelations of others with care. Monitor your personal technology. Be responsible for your impact on the room. Work to build consensus. Have Fun!
Why? Why should we review, revise, and redesign our Social Studies curriculum? Why do we need a K-12 perspective in our work? Why do we strive to address the needs of all learners? Why do teachers need our support?
What? Create a vision for K-12 Social Studies Determine and prioritize standards Develop an assessment plan Identify instructional strategies and professional learning goals to implement new curriculum Select key resources for teaching and learning and draft a comprehensive proposal
Our Core Values What beliefs, values, and goals drive our organization? What do we want most for our learners?
BPS Strategic Plan 5 year plan: Vision and mission of the district Mission: By ensuring educational excellence, we challenge and inspire all learners to positively impact their world. 4 goals with action steps Identified core values
BPS Learner Profile
C3 Framework Inquiry Arc: The nature of inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge through questions in particular. 4 Dimensions Review pages (Overview)
Social and Emotional Learning Standards Adopted in fall 2014 Grade level specific standards K-8, and high school band Aligns with the Strategic Plan Goal 3 Needs to be integrated into curriculum and within buildings
Character Education 11 Principles Integrate into curriculum and instruction Key indicators and exemplars Aligns with Strategic Plan Goal 3
NCSS A Vision of Powerful Teaching and Learning in the Social Studies: Building Social Understanding and Civic Efficacy A Position Statement of National Council for the Social Studies Guiding Vision and Goals Qualities of Powerful and Authentic Social Studies
What are our core values? Each person at the table takes a different document to review. Identify core values that will inform and guide our work. Each person at the table shares the big ideas from each resource. Each person will be the “keeper” and “reminder” of their document(s) during the entire CAT process.
Break Time Take 15 Minutes Tibet It might be bad manners anywhere else in the world, but in Tibet poking out one’s tongue is the customary way to welcome people. The tradition dates back to the 9th century during the time of a vicious Tibetan king known as Lang Darma, who had a black tongue. The Tibetan people feared that King Darma would be reincarnated so they began greeting each other by sticking out their tongue to prove that they weren’t evil.
Our Current State: Creating a Student Centered SS Narrative Work with grade level partner(s) to complete a short slide presentation of our current program for your grade level/course. Visit the Social Studies CAT Wiki Page (BPS Wikis are found on staff only and our wiki is in the district-wide category) and open the “Building a Narrative” page. Download the PowerPoint template and fill in your grade level/course information. Save and post on the Wiki. Be ready to share your presentation.
Lunch 45 Minutes What was served at the first Thanksgiving? When did Thanksgiving become a national holiday?holiday?
Drafting a Vision for K-12 Social Studies Three Lenses A.Culture: What are the general feelings and attitudes of students, parents, staff, and the community? B.Conditions: What resources and physical/temporal conditions exist? C.Competencies: What skills and capacities exist?
Drafting a vision 1.Once you have your lens, draft each statement onto a post it note. 2.Review the post its and select the top ten statements (reword if necessary) 3.Post your ten statements to the Google Doc (found on the wiki page “BPS Vision”)…avoid repeating statements that are already posted
SS Standards Update: Proposed new standards (August 2015 draft) Rationale for new standards Fewer – clearer – higher standards Align with C3 Inquiry Incorporate more civil rights issues and perspectives
Standards Comparisons By grade level, compare current standards and proposed standards What do you notice? What do you wonder? What are the implications? Are these standards good enough?
Break Time Take 15 Minutes Philippines When a younger person greets an older person they must bow a little, grab the elderly person's right hand with their right hand, allowing their knuckles to touch the elder person’s forehead. As this gesture is being made, the younger person will say ‘Mano Po’, Mano meaning hand, po meaning respect.
Assessment and Data Dialogue Dialogue: A conversation to gain insight and understanding, but doesn’t result in decisions. Versus Discussion: A focused conversation to build consensus towards making a decision.
Assessment Dialogue What means currently exist to provide evidence of learning in Social Studies? What would we most like to know about student understanding of Social Studies? What might be some new ways for students to demonstrate Social Studies proficiency? How are we currently using data to improve learning? What improvements might we make?
Formative Assessment: Article Jigsaw As a pair, select one of the three articles to read. Highlight three things that resonate or make you wonder as you read. Discuss with your partner. Share with your table
More Dialogue What baseline data might we collect this year and or next year in preparation of implementing a new/revised curriculum? What data could we bring to our January meeting? What should the role of formative data be in social studies?
Personal Growth What are you interested in learning that will help our team? Before our next meeting, identify an area that you will research. You may work with a partner or partners. Be ready to share a synthesis of your learning at our next meeting in January.
GOALS for Today Understand the role of our Curriculum Action Team Identify core values that will shape our work Create a district social studies narrative of our current state Draft a vision for K-12 social studies that will guide future work Review current and proposed state standards
NORMS Listen fully and respectfully. Balance your perspectives (K-12 and grade specific). Hold confidentially the experiences and revelations of others with care. Monitor your personal technology. Be responsible for your impact on the room. Work to build consensus. Have Fun!
Upcoming Meetings January 13 February 11 March 9 Backup Date…May 12 (if needed)