Date: in 12 pts WB Strategies, Priorities & Support of Erasmus+ Helene Skikos DG Education & Culture
2 Enlargement Strategy Fundamentals First Rule of Law Public Administration Reform Economic Governance and Competitiveness Examples: Improve judiciary, assure independence, improve efficiency and accountability; freedom of speech, etc. Good governance and management, transparency, meritocracy, depoliticalisation, profesionalism Upgrading skills, economic reform, job creation, fiscal consolidation, investment climate, good management
3 SEE 2020 Strategy (based on EU 2020) 5 Pillars Integrated growth (cooperation) Smart growth Sustainable growth Inclusive growth Governance for growth (reduce corruption)
4 SEE 2020 Strategy Sectors for smart growth Education and competences R&D and Innovation Digital Society Cultural and Creative Sectors Basic and transversal skills, 8 key competence, Linking education with the labour market; Modernising and rationalising VET Developing capacity for research and innovation Preparing for the digital society Contribution of culture and creative sectors to economy
5 SEE 2020 Strategy Sectors for sustainable growth Energy Transport Environment Increase efficiency, renewable resources & infrastructure Improve infrastructure, efficiency, improve rail &water transport Reduce pollution, irrigation, climate change, forestation, water resource management, awareness- raising, natural resources
6 SEE 2020 Strategy Sectors for Inclusive growth Employment Health Promote employment creation, enhance labour market governance for employment, stimulate social economy initiatives Improve capacity of health sector and health services
7 WB Platform on Education Multilateral cooperation on Education and Training Annual Ministerial meetings between EU and WB Ministries Stakeholder consultations; evidence gathering/ surveys; sharing good practices (2013 & 2015 studies) To support reform efforts, link with EU strategies and programmes Identified priorities: Higher Education (relevance; quality) Teacher Training (methods; competences) Research & Innovation (build capacity in HE)
8 Economic Reform Programme Individual priorities set by country then peer reviewed by the Commission and the ECOFIN Council Priorities for Albania: Adopt and start to implement the law on higher education, as well as the new strategy for higher education. Establish an independent accreditation system for all public and private universities. Continue the restructuring of the VET system with a view to improving the relevance of the training for the needs of the labour market. Adopt a strategy on the land cadastre and concrete measures to increase momentum in agricultural land consolidation
9 Economic Reform Programme Individual priorities set by country then peer reviewed by the Commission and the ECOFIN Council Priorities for Bosnia and Herzegovina: Develop a more strategic approach to tackle the deficiencies in the training and education system by effectively prioritizing measures based on a mapping of the skills gap taking into account the needs of industry, especially SMEs. Harmonise legislation and standards related to education and training at state and entity level, as well as at cantonal level, since the competence on education in FBiH is at cantonal level. Develop a transport policy and strategy and an energy strategy at each level of government according to competencies.
10 Economic Reform Programme Individual priorities set by country then peer reviewed by the Commission and the ECOFIN Council Priorities for Kosovo*: Advance in securing a reliable energy supply / comply with EU environmental standards in the production of energy Improve quality of education, quality assurance measures, quality of higher education, access to pre-primary and primary school; accelerate modernization of VET; align the education system to be more responsive to the labour market. Continue to improve the business environment, fight against informal economy, provide targeted support for SMEs, step up the fight against corruption
11 Economic Reform Programme Individual priorities set by country then peer reviewed by the Commission and the ECOFIN Council Priorities for Montenegro: Actively continue education reform with a view to better aligning education and skills with labour market needs. Strengthen cooperation between education and business. Make further progress with a comprehensive and strategic approach in the field of EU food safety and sanitary and phytosanitary standards to receive accreditation for exporting agricultural and food products to the EU
12 Economic Reform Programmes Individual priorities set by country then peer reviewed by the Commission and the ECOFIN Council Priorities for Serbia: Upgrade skills, enhancing the human capital Finalise National Qualifications Framework Reform of the education system, improving the outcomes, Stimulate private investment, support lending to SMEs and research activities in companies Improve energy production, construction of gas inter- connectors
13 Role of Education Foundation upon which to build capacity in all sectors Provides basic and transversal skill needed in all jobs and for flexible labour market Advanced and professional skills and qualifications provided in higher education respond to identified needs: Education of teachers, managers, engineers and other professionals in priority sectors; education of public officials, health workers; building research capacity via PhD programmes; international cooperation, etc.
14 Priorities in Erasmus+ CBHE Modernisation of curriculum by developing new and innovative courses and methodologies; curriculum development, modernise teaching, revise content, etc. Modernisation of governance, management and functioning of higher education: decision-making processes, strategies, rigorous quality assurance measures, follow-up for improvement, internationalization, developing research capacity, access to HE from vulnerable groups, etc. Developing the Higher Education sector within society at large: LLL, HE VET, university-business cooperation, NQF, knowledge triangle, regional cooperation in HE, reform policy development, implementation and monitoring, etc.
15 Regional Priorities in CBHE Category A: Subject areas for Curriculum development; Teacher training and education science; Physical sciences; Engineering and engineering trades; Agriculture, forestry and fishery; Health; Transport services; Environmental protection Category B: Improving quality of education and teaching Learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches including learning outcomes Blended courses, virtual and real mobility, practical placements etc.
16 Regional Priorities in CBHE Category C: Improving management and operation of higher education institutions Governance, strategic planning and management of higher education institutions; Internationalization of higher education institutions; Access to and democratization of higher education Category D: Developing the Higher Education sector within society at large Non-University sector at tertiary education level; University-enterprise cooperation; entrepreneurship and employability of graduates; Qualification frameworks and recognition of qualifications; Definition, implementation and monitoring of the reform policies
17 National Strategies and Priorities Erasmus+ Office websites For Serbia see contents/national-documents/ contents/national-documents/ For Montenegro see DG NEAR websites /op229_en.htm (Economic Reform Programmes) 2015/op229_en.htm (2015 Country Reports) Studies and reports WB PET, World Bank, Council of Europe, RCC, etc. (surf the web)
Horizontal Priorities Increase quality of educational provision Quality assurance implementation HE rigorous, transparent accreditation of institutions and programmes; evaluation of schools; Skills not Just Diplomas Fight corruption in education; culture of meritocracy Transparent recruitment of staff, de-politisation, measures to combat conflict of interest Long term approach, targeting impact on society and link to economy and country’s growth No quick fixes in education. Steering large ocean liner Holistic approach: purpose of education (VET, HE?); relevance to labour market, employability of graduates
PISA 2009 MathReadingScienceRanking PISA 2012 MathReadingScienceRanking Hungary Austria Italy Italy Greece Hungary Croatia Croatia Austria Greece Turkey Serbia Serbia Turkey Bulgaria Romania Romania Bulgaria Montenegro Montenegro Albania Albania
2012 PISA score in Maths and GDP
21 Overall Objective of EU Assistance Facilitate growth, development of economy Build capacity for competiveness Increase employment (youth) Convergence with EU acquis Prepare for EU membership
22 Developing Erasmus+ Projects What you can do: Read published strategic documents (e.g. Enlargement Progress Reports, Economic Reform Programmes, etc) What we look for: More demonstrated impact and sustainability of projects Build on past results / support o reform efforts Why? Help WB countries on reform process; for EU integration but also for economic survival Help make EU support to WB count, have more impact
23 Strategic use of Erasmus+ Mobility of staff and students in priority sectors = help build capacity of future professionals Mobility of staff and students according to PC university's strategic priorities = strengthen weak programme or build excellence in strong programme Capacity-building projects in priority sectors for economic development = train and educate new professionals in priority sectors; improve governance issues; strengthen development of research (PhD prog); prepare teachers, etc. Jean Monnet can respond to convergence with EU acquis
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