A young and dynamic team of researchers based at the Department of Economics, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. Expertise in economic tools applied with a multi-disciplinary approach. H2020 Info Day: Innovation & Public Sector, Brussels, 10 February 2014 Two decades of research on public sector reform - hundreds of publications Research Management and Performance of EU projects Participation in dozens of projects including COCOPS Expertise in the consequences of reform - for efficiency, quality, & productivity Telecoms, energy, water and health care specialization Daniel Díaz-Fuentes at
Emerging Tehcnologies in the Public Sector (EURO ): Innovative and Inclusive Public Services Daniel Díaz-Fuentes at Public Sector Public Services Innovative SGI Innovative Inclusive - Transfer of emerging technologies - New services, processes - Organizational nnovation - New methods of delivery Potentially included stakeholders: aging, unemployed, Public sector Efficiency Effectivenees Quality Competitiviness Growth Employment Enterprises: Size, industry, resources,.. Citizens (Human factors): Age, gender, education,.. Civil servants Public Management Organizational Behaviour Novelty Complexity Human Behaviour Biases in decission making Risk of exclusion, inequalities,..
Emerging Tehcnologies in the Public sector (EURO ): Innovative and Inclusive Public Services. Daniel Díaz-Fuentes at Innovative and inclusive Public Services Require : Innovative and inclusive public services Transforming Public Administration Inclusive approach: Civil servants, Civil Society organizations, Enerprises Multi.disicplinary approach-network: Economics, Management, Public Administration, Politics. Sociology, Psychology, Engineering, Computer Sciences. Challenges and Opportunities for: Social sensor networks Smart info systems to receive real-time online information on traffic flows, levels of pollution, etc. ( Community navigator schemes ( Council) Council Some examples Emerging Technologies: Organizational Behaviour: Choice Information Flexiblity Interaction Change Reducing biases in decission making ( Human Behaviour): Limited information Inertia Myopia Choice overload Etc.