- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Rural Wings Ariane Muller & Laurent Thomasson TWISTER overview - Current status, main outcomes, lessons learned - Rhodes, 05/07/2006
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes TWISTER key elements Three-year EC programme (FP6, Call 1) started 1 st of February 2004 TWISTER deploys and operates validation sites in rural areas throughout Europe combining bidirectional satellite broadband services with wireless local networks The validation site period corresponds to 18 months starting from the satellite terminal equipments installation Target application areas: in the domains of –Agriculture –Education –Community services –Health care –e-business
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes TWISTER Consortium Representative of the whole supply chain Ouranos-Networks
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Summary of major TWISTER achievements More than 100 validation sites deployed through the enlarged Europe More than 50 validation sites are hybrid networks coupling satellite access with wireless local terrestrial networks More than 10 countries concerned (France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Malta, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary) Already 10 validation sites have ended their validation period of 18 months
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Example of TWISTER validation site Dordogne (France)
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Typical validation site deployment process - Strongly recommended to apply it to Rural Wings - Validation site user and service requirements report Site survey Validation site network design Prerequisites for installation On-site installation Validation site acceptance test Usage and evaluation period At this stage of Rural Wings, only these aspects are being addressed Budget constraints per site
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Lessons learned from TWISTER Encountered Critical Points Site Survey Geographical topology matters Network Architecture Design Technical constraints and equipment costs Site Installation Who will be responsible of site installation and when? How to do acceptance test review? Maintenance Who will intervene? Who will reboot or replace the equipment? Supervision Who will supervise the system and send alert? Monitoring How to estimate the usage of the pilot site?
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Network Operations Structure Hotline & end-user support –A phone number to call in case of network problems –Need for a local site administration –Definition of roles and procedures Network monitoring and management –Creation of a Network Operations Centre –Remote supervision and configuration of validation sites Maintenance procedures –Definition of roles and procedures in case of equipment replacement Contractual aspects –Equipment & services are provided by TWISTER to the validation site users –To establish the rights and responsibilities of each partner –Creation of an « End-user agreement » and « Validation site agreement »
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes TWISTER Anomaly Distribution per Kernel Validation Site from January to December 2005
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Example of TWISTER usage evaluation Number of sessions and duration Total Online Duration 2005: 5,15 years in sessions Volume of data exchanged (source Aramiska) 1788 Gbytes since June 2004 Protocol Distribution
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Way forward for Rural Wings wireless networks - Critical points to address in the coming weeks - Detailed user requirement forms necessary –Form templates to be provided by EADS Astrium Mid of July 06 (Ariane Muller) –To be fulfilled by National Coordinators September 06 Guidance for installation requirements –To be provided by EADS Astrium End of July 06 (Ariane Muller) –To be used by National Coordinators for installation activities
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - - EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Support needed from other partners Wireless network deployment issues: environmental conditions Conditions of wireless transmission Line of sight and topography Meteorology Opened zone of Fresnel Relative elevation of sites Vegetation Physical constraints Possibilities of mast installations Points accessibility (roof, tower, etc…) Cable length between antenna and wireless unit
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Support needed from other partners Wireless network deployment issues: environmental conditions Electrical conditions –Verify quality of electrical network –Use of UPS equipment is recommended Temperature & Humidity operating –Outdoor equipment: use specific equipment with adequate temperature and humidity operating range –Indoor equipment: select sites with air conditioning or warming for central point (no direct sun, no attic, …) Visual aspects –Respect design of building when it is possible (hidden antennas, …) –Pay attention to ancient monuments : castle, tower, ancient house, church,…
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Support needed from other partners Checklist for initial site layout – Indicate building positions on map – Identify high points – Is a special authorization necessary to install antenna ? (historic building,…) – Identify type of user (single user, multi-user, etc.) – Identify connection priorities
- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Rural Wings EADS Astrium contribution Thank you for your attention Rhodes, 4-5/07/2006