- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 1 - EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Rural Wings Ariane Muller & Laurent Thomasson.


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Presentation transcript:

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Rural Wings Ariane Muller & Laurent Thomasson TWISTER overview - Current status, main outcomes, lessons learned - Rhodes, 05/07/2006

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes TWISTER key elements  Three-year EC programme (FP6, Call 1) started 1 st of February 2004  TWISTER deploys and operates validation sites in rural areas throughout Europe combining bidirectional satellite broadband services with wireless local networks  The validation site period corresponds to 18 months starting from the satellite terminal equipments installation  Target application areas: in the domains of –Agriculture –Education –Community services –Health care –e-business

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes TWISTER Consortium Representative of the whole supply chain Ouranos-Networks

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Summary of major TWISTER achievements  More than 100 validation sites deployed through the enlarged Europe  More than 50 validation sites are hybrid networks coupling satellite access with wireless local terrestrial networks  More than 10 countries concerned (France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Malta, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary)  Already 10 validation sites have ended their validation period of 18 months

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Example of TWISTER validation site Dordogne (France)

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Typical validation site deployment process - Strongly recommended to apply it to Rural Wings - Validation site user and service requirements report Site survey Validation site network design Prerequisites for installation On-site installation Validation site acceptance test Usage and evaluation period At this stage of Rural Wings, only these aspects are being addressed Budget constraints per site

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Lessons learned from TWISTER Encountered Critical Points  Site Survey  Geographical topology matters  Network Architecture Design  Technical constraints and equipment costs  Site Installation  Who will be responsible of site installation and when?  How to do acceptance test review?  Maintenance  Who will intervene?  Who will reboot or replace the equipment?  Supervision  Who will supervise the system and send alert?  Monitoring  How to estimate the usage of the pilot site?

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Network Operations Structure  Hotline & end-user support –A phone number to call in case of network problems –Need for a local site administration –Definition of roles and procedures  Network monitoring and management –Creation of a Network Operations Centre –Remote supervision and configuration of validation sites  Maintenance procedures –Definition of roles and procedures in case of equipment replacement  Contractual aspects –Equipment & services are provided by TWISTER to the validation site users –To establish the rights and responsibilities of each partner –Creation of an « End-user agreement » and « Validation site agreement »

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes TWISTER Anomaly Distribution per Kernel Validation Site from January to December 2005

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Example of TWISTER usage evaluation Number of sessions and duration Total Online Duration 2005: 5,15 years in sessions Volume of data exchanged (source Aramiska) 1788 Gbytes since June 2004 Protocol Distribution

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Way forward for Rural Wings wireless networks - Critical points to address in the coming weeks -  Detailed user requirement forms necessary –Form templates to be provided by EADS Astrium  Mid of July 06 (Ariane Muller) –To be fulfilled by National Coordinators  September 06  Guidance for installation requirements –To be provided by EADS Astrium  End of July 06 (Ariane Muller) –To be used by National Coordinators for installation activities

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - - EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Support needed from other partners Wireless network deployment issues: environmental conditions  Conditions of wireless transmission Line of sight and topography Meteorology Opened zone of Fresnel Relative elevation of sites Vegetation  Physical constraints Possibilities of mast installations Points accessibility (roof, tower, etc…) Cable length between antenna and wireless unit

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Support needed from other partners Wireless network deployment issues: environmental conditions  Electrical conditions –Verify quality of electrical network –Use of UPS equipment is recommended  Temperature & Humidity operating –Outdoor equipment: use specific equipment with adequate temperature and humidity operating range –Indoor equipment: select sites with air conditioning or warming for central point (no direct sun, no attic, …)  Visual aspects –Respect design of building when it is possible (hidden antennas, …) –Pay attention to ancient monuments : castle, tower, ancient house, church,…

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Support needed from other partners Checklist for initial site layout – Indicate building positions on map – Identify high points – Is a special authorization necessary to install antenna ? (historic building,…) – Identify type of user (single user, multi-user, etc.) – Identify connection priorities

- EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential EADS Astrium Proprietary & Confidential - 05/07/2006, Rhodes Rural Wings EADS Astrium contribution Thank you for your attention Rhodes, 4-5/07/2006