Early Years Framework The Evidence.... Jean Carwood-Edwards Early Years Team Leader.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Years Framework The Evidence.... Jean Carwood-Edwards Early Years Team Leader

Aims of this Session.....  Be more aware of LTS’s role in relation to research  Consider some of the evidence which supports the EYF  Consider how evidence can facilitate the implementation of the EYF  Subscribe to the Research into Practice culture

“The aim of research activity in LTS is to facilitate and influence evidence-informed decision-making that will improve learning and teaching in Scottish education.” Learning and Teaching Scotland Research Strategy Paper (2008)

 Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed  Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens National Outcomes

The aims are that all children should know they are valued and will be supported to become: successful learners effective contributors confident individuals responsible citizens

Evidence-based Approaches “ All service providers develop and implement services which take account of and learn from research evidence....” (Vision Statement, Early Years Framework p.12)

Flickr Credit Um Abbas

The Early Years Framework Breaking the Cycles To break the intergenerational cycle of disadvantage, we know that we, “ must adopt measures unlikely to show their full benefits until 5-15 years after the initial commitment. This with the constant political imperative for short term results, since governments both national and local are elected for only a few years. This pressure, combined with a natural dislike of increasing taxation, too often makes investment in the long-term an unattractive political option.” ( Wave Trust Report, 20 Nov 2007)

 Give all our children the best start in life  Identify the steps early years services need to take The Early Years Framework seeks to:

Scottish Government Priority Tackle Inequalities 3 National Frameworks  Equally Well (June 08) – tackle health inequalities  Achieving Our Potential (Nov 08) – tackle poverty and income inequality  Early Years Framework (Dec 08) – give children the best start in Life

“The period between pregnancy and 3 years is increasingly seen as a critical period in shaping children’s life chances, based on evidence of brain formation……………….” The Early Years Framework states:

Bruce Perry’s work shows what happens if you don’t have positive interaction. The smaller of the two brains is of a child who received little interaction. It is a picture of extreme neglect....Brains are affected by experience!

Dr Suzanne Zeedyk... “A strong dose of love, early on, prevents violence later on, and vice versa.” ( Wave Trust Report, 20 Nov 2007)

“ The Millennium Cohort Study provided evidence of significant inequalities in development at age 3 that can persist throughout people’s lives. Supporting parents to provide a stimulating and supportive home environment, particularly in the early years, combined with high quality pre- school and school education is therefore a key element in delivering solidarity and cohesion “ (Early Years Framework, pg 12) Millennium Cohort Study ‘The Child of the New Century’

Born to Fail 1973 “The crucial importance of the first five years in a child’s development is well recognised” p45 “The active interest of parents in their children’s education is associated with higher measured attainment.” p46 “Being disadvantaged does not of itself explain why children do less well.” p53

Health in Scotland 2006 Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer “ An insecurely attached child is more vulnerable than others to be the victim of traumatic experiences. The development of disorders such as depression and psychosis can be associated with earlier trauma.” (p.12)

Q: How effective is CPD in helping support you to do your job? Q: What do we want our workforce to do?. Q: What can we do to ensure they can? Matching Expectations & Qualifications Workforce Matters


Growing Up in Scotland

Growing Up in Scotland 2009 “ these findings suggest that activities do have an influence on children’s cognitive development and that they can moderate – though by no means eradicate - the effect of socio- demographic disadvantage. “

The EPPE Project Some findings  The qua lity of the home learning environment promoted intellectual and social development in all children.  Although parent’s social class and levels of education were related to child outcomes, the home learning environment was more important. What parents do is more important than who they are.

In summary... “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” (Anton Chekhov)

As we strive for world-class outcomes for all of our children, a renewed focus on knocking down barriers and building bridges between research, policymaking and practice should be a key feature of our transformational agenda.