Step One: With a color photocopy of a reference photo, the poppy composition was rearranged and cropped. Use your photo copy, or lightly draw your own on new paper.
Step Two: Using very light pressure, apply the first colored pencil layer, adding more emphasis where the values will be deeper. Note that the pencil application still appears granular and that the texture of the paper is still visible.
Step Three: Draw the veins in the leaves and the fuzzy texture of the pod and stem, as well as the individual strands of stamens in the center of the flower. Do this medium dark, then follow that step with a contrasting layer of darker color, these features show up dramatically on the leaves, stem, pod, and center of the flower. Add a deeper value of rose in the shadowed areas of the flower petals.
Step Four: To intensify the colors and to make them appear less granular, blend with white or light pink colored pencil.