Personal Logo Cover Design Introduction Unit Place all work from this assignment behind the Introduction divider page.
The Rules (principles) of Effective Logo Design CONCEPTS
1. A logo must be simple -A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile & memorable.
2. A logo must be memorable -Good logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn.
3. A logo must be timeless -An effective logo will stand the test of time. -Will your logo still be effective in 10, 20, 50 years?
4. A logo must be versatile -An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications. -For this reason a logo should be designed so it can be scaled to any size. -The logo must work in just black & white too.
5. A logo must be appropriate -How you position the image & lettering should be appropriate for its intended purpose -Your logo must also be appropriate for its audience (school)
Project Requirements: -Use both images and lettering (first & last name) to create a logo that symbolizes something unique about you. -Make sure the final design is original and not a copy of something you have seen. It is plagiarism to use someone’s work without giving credit.
Step One = Idea Exploration -Create a minimum of three thumbnail examples in pencil of logo ideas out of your name (first and last) and a symbol that represents something unique about you. - Design is an evolutionary process. One idea leads to another; one image sparks an idea for the next. -Design solutions are found in the mixing of image and typographic (letter) elements—sizing, shaping, and adjusting the proximity of one object to another, and so on. -If you come up with an initial idea that you like, push it to the next level. It is exploration that makes an ordinary design exceptional.
Composition = placement of the elements -Begin with a balance plan – symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial. radialsymmetrical asymmetrical
-Then choose 2 of the following principles of design you want to emphasize. -You will be graded on your understanding and effective use of these. (See Project Evaluation Sheet) Principles of Design: Proportion (size relationship) Emphasis (one part stands out) Variety (differences) Rhythm (movement) Pattern (repeating)
Choose images (pictures) that represent you - -Find clip art or other simplified image that has to do with your hobbies, likes, personal goals, etc. -Simplify-You don't want images that are too complicated, that are too big, or have too many intricate details. -Choose only one image if the image is prominent (stands out). You can use 2 or 3 images if they are all small and can blend together nicely.
Design a personal logo that includes the letters in your first and last name. Name Design Possibilities: -Use an object or symbol that represents something about you that can be drawn with the letters in your name -Use an object or symbol related to you, that can you fit it into your name
Emphasize a word that is in your name Overlap the letters in your (first and last) names
Or flip one letter backward and connect the letters or align their “backs” …mirror or place your initials at different angles
Fit one initial inside the other Note: The previous logo examples were designed by various design artists. They are basic logo design ideas that have been in use for many years (similar to clip art). So you may use them, expand on them, or come up with your own idea.
Blend all the parts together & try at least 3 different design ideas (thumbnail sketches)- -Try new things, explore ideas -Change the size and shape of the letters of your name and your logo image -Condense the logo, if the personal logo is to busy, get rid of some parts. -Remember than in a logo, things don't have to be symmetrical and you don't even have to be able to make out the words or images in their entirety. It is more important that all the different aspects of the personal logo work well together.
When you have completed your thumbnail sketches (have several good ideas), select one and get an OK from Mrs. Lawson -After getting an OK from Mrs. L, begin enlarging your idea on the good paper drawing lightly in pencil. Remember light pencil lines are easier to erase -Make sure your design fills up the design space- make it large. A large design can easily be made smaller on the copy machine. Enlarging a small design becomes readable. -When you feel your design is complete, begin drawing over the pencil lines in black “sharpie” marker Next, make a photo copy of your completed black & white design and turn it into Mrs. L. Don’t forget your CHS heading on the back
The next step will be adding color to your black & white design. Your may use colored pencil or marker to complete this step -Experiment with different color harmonies for your logo design on photo copies of your black & white design -Choose colors that you like and that go well together The final step is mounting your design to a sheet of cardstock paper. Make sure your CHS Heading is on the back and place the finished design in the turn-in drawer