WRAP-UP WEEK May 20-24
NOTE: When you are done studying for the final, return your textbook to the Book Center.
Tuesday, 5/27 Hand back glossaries Collect any late work Preparing project presentations
Project presentations 4~5 minutes All members should have a role It should NOT be a copy+paste of your project Use visuals, videos, explanations. You are the experts of the issue now- make it interesting! Must include: Background of the issue (historical, contextual) Pro-position and evidence Con-position and evidence Conclusion (what is the future of the issue? Current general consensus, related policies)
Block Day, 5/28-5/29 1. HOT ROC – modern presidents 2. (Tentative) study guide 3. Presentation work time 4. Potluck signup HW: Project presentations on Friday
#14. HOT ROC- modern presidents Ronald Reagan George HW Bush Bill Clinton George W. Bush Write 2 related events, policies or concepts (e.g., political group) for each president Write 2 adjectives to describe each president
#14 continued What aspect/personality of the president is being satirized (mocked)? How much of it is true? Phil Hartman as Reagan “Mastermind” (~2:30) Phil Hartman as President Clinton from SNL Will Ferrell Bush & Bush (2:00~2:30) Iraq:
2014 finals study guide In partners, check out the study guide Unfamiliar terms? Write them down in your notes Ask your partner or peers
Project presentations 4~5 minutes All members should have a role It should NOT be a copy+paste of your project Use visuals, videos, explanations. You are the experts of the issue now- make it interesting! Must include: Background of the issue (historical, contextual) Pro-position and evidence Con-position and evidence Conclusion (what is the future of the issue? Current general consensus, related policies)
Friday, 5/30 Project presentations HW: Study for the final, bring in food for the potluck