What is an Ergogenic Aid? - A substance or device that enhances performance - Illegal (e.g. blood doping) or legal (e.g. carbohydrate loading)
3 Types Ergogenic Aids 1. Nutritional Aids 2. Pharmacological Aids 3. Physiological Aids
1. Nutritional Aids Substances used to enhance performance Nutrients, metabolic by products of nutrients, food, substances commonly found in food provided in greater amounts than normal
Example: Creatine Description of the substance: - an amino acid produced in the liver that supplies some energy to muscle cells - found in skeletal muscle - increases production of ATP
Why does one take it? - Recall, when ATP is used during short bursts of activity, it turns into ADP - ADP needs a phosphocreatine to turn back into ATP - Supplementing extra creatine speeds up this process - Access is excreted
Availability and Cost - Health food stores, gyms, online, etc… - 20$ to 30$ for a container (500g-1000) - Found naturally in red meats and some carbs
Short and Long Term Effects - Water retention - More energy - Muscles cramps - Upset stomach - Liver dysfunction - Kidney damage - Unknown
Legal or Illegal - Legal Dangers and Risks - Possible damage to organs - May suppress bodies own need to create creatine naturally - Gateway drug - Most unknown
2. Pharmacological Aids Aka ‘doping’ the use of an artifice, whether substance or method, potentially dangers to an athlete’s health and/or capable of enhancing performance Need to be aware of over the counter drugs that contain traces Almost universally banned Regular testing
Example: Anabolic Steroids Description of the Substance: - Synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone
Why does one take it? - Increase protein synthesis - Aids in the formation of muscle cells - Muscle grow bigger and repair faster Availability and Cost - Drug deals, online sites - $60 to $100 per bottle
Short and Long Term Effects - Muscle size increase - Liver damage - Aggressiveness - Facial hair growth - Deepening voice - Irregularities in the menstrual cycle
Legal or Illegal - Illegal without prescription Dangers or Risks - See side effects - Organ damage - Remember the man whose arms exploded ????
3. Physiological Aids Practices used by an athlete Help with performance May alter heart rate, adrenaline rate, change the growth of muscles and bones Types: blood doping and drug masking
Recall; Performance Enhancing Substances Include: 1. Nutritional AIDS Vitamins and minerals Proteins and amino acids Releasers of growth hormones Carnitine Creatin Caffine
2. Pharmacological AIDS Pain masking drugs Anabolic steroids Prohormone HGH Erythropoitin Restrictions: alcohol – prohibited Marijuana – impairs psychomotor Local anaesthetics Corticosteriods Beta bolckers
3. Physiological AIDS 1. Blood Doping - removal of one’s own red blood cells - give the body enough time to produce more - Then re-inject removed blood cells, thereby increasing the total volume of oxygen carrying red blood cells - Higher red blood cell count cause heart to work harder and increase the risk of cardiac fatigue and heart failure - Nowadays, blood doping has been replaced by injecting EPO (which causes body to create new RBC)
2. Drug Masking - Drugs used to mask or reduce presence of banned substances – 2 forms - Agents that dilute the concentration of banned drugs in bloodstream - Diuretics which increase amount of urine produced to dilute the substance
Drug Testing - Successful drug testing involves random, year round, and unannounced testing - Athlete provides urine sample – usually after competition but sometimes before - Even if detected, may not be enough - Feerations make pre-set limits for each banned substance - Masking agents are also banned - HGH, testosterone and EPO are more difficult to detect because they have to be distinguished from naturally occuring hormones in the body - Testing positive is based on threshold values for naturally occuring substances in the blood