Using Various Delivery Techniques Continuing With Advanced Techniques
Why is it important to use various delivery methods? Bear with me--Just a review!
A Sampling of the Methods Possible 4 Lectures 4 Demonstrations 4 Guided Discussion 4 Student Activity 4 Games and Simulations 4 Case Studies 4 Independent Studies 4 Others??
Case Studies 4 Stories, situations, scenarios that allow students to consider decisions, alternatives, and precedence for real-life application. 4 Generally applied with other instructional techniques such as role-playing, guided discussion or writing. 4 Applied learning is evidenced.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Studies Provides for student involvement Adds realism Can be used for in-class or out-of-class application Students may get too fascinated with the case itself and miss the intended point
Tips for Developing Case Studies 4 Begin with objectives 4 Be sure that the case is relevant to the concepts being stressed 4 Use cases in progressive levels of difficulty 4 Be sure that the case is believable 4 Look for real cases that can be used “as is” or in modified form 4 Study, study, study the case for flaws. 4 Give just enough information to guide the students, but not too much so that the students are stifled 4 Be sure that the case is solvable 4 Guide the discussion, don’t control it
Instructional Games and Simulations 4 A game generally involves competition. An educational game adds an instructional purpose 4 A simulation includes “a reality of function” (Gredler 1992) 4 Both can be a fun and educational way to challenge students
Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonstrations Enjoyable to students Students must actively make decisions May involve competition Assessment may be both objective and subjective Logistics!--Time, space, equipment, etc.
Tips for Developing Educational Games and Simulations 4 Begin with objectives 4 Carefully plan all aspects of the game or simulation 4 Give students a written description of the activity 4 Provide appropriate time for the activity 4 Avoid embarrassing situations
Independent Studies 4 Designed to allow the student to be “self- directed 4 Surprisingly demanding on the instructor at times 4 May be text based, computer based, research based, or based on other media
Advantages and Disadvantages of Independent Studies Allows student to learn at own pace Easy to individualize or standardize Provides “convenience” to the educational program--(Maybe flexibility is better) Students and instructor may “fizzle out” Requires much discipline on the part of the student (and instructor)
Tips for Developing and Conducting Independent Studies 4 Begin with clearly-defined objectives 4 Set up a plan for monitoring the student’s activity 4 Consider using activity summaries or progress reports 4 Have students plan long-range strategies 4 Encourage research and self-dependency 4 Work under a “contract” or other clear description
Just remember-- If you are boring yourself, you are paralyzing your students!