Modeling & Simulation Omar Alhinai
Modeling What is Modeling? Modeling is the simulation of real life situations. Architectures use modeling when designing buildings. Another example of Modeling is a CAT Scan, the machine models the body in 3D form making it easier for doctors to discover illnesses. Modeling also has other uses of which are stated below. What is Modeling used for? Computer models of mathematical data, such as budgets, are usually done using a spreadsheet application that processes and performs calculations on the data entered by the user. For example, a computer model of a school's budget might show that the school will run out of money before the end of the term if it hires an extra teacher. Modeling may also be used for weather forecasting purposes.
Simulation What is Simulation? Simulation is the process of simulating (using software and hardware) the model of a system. What is Simulation used for? There are many different uses of simulation; these may be for training or for entertainment. Nowadays most video games are seen to be simulations such as Fifa and Formula 1 games. The other form of simulations are Flight Simulators which are used to train potential pilots. Simulators are also used by Hospitals when training doctors and nurses. The dangers of real life situations are avoided when using simulations.