South Dakota Library Network ALEPH Basic Circulation Training Renewals South Dakota Library Network 1200 University, Unit 9672 Spearfish, SD © South Dakota Library Network, 2012 ©Ex Libris (USA), 2011 Modified for SDLN Version 20.01
2 ALEPH Circulation Renewals Loans may be renewed: By the librarian in the Circulation module or By the patron in the Web OPAC System checks will be conducted to be sure the patron and item are eligible for the renewal process. The system checks that the patron: Has renewal permission Has not exceeded his maximum number of renewals Has an expiration date that is later than the new due date Has not been blocked from loans/renewals due to other problems Has not exceeded his cash limit.
3 ALEPH Circulation Renewals The system also checks that the item: May be renewed Has no hold requests Is not overdue
4 ALEPH Circulation Renewals Renewals in the Circulation Module can be made through the Patron’s Loans list in the Loans node
5 ALEPH Circulation Renewals You have the option of renewing a selected item, Renew Marked or renewing all items, Renew All. If the system finds a problem with the renewal of some loans when using the Renew All command, a window will pop up with the reason. Depending on setup, it may be possible to override the error.
6 ALEPH Circulation Renewals The system will display Successful Renew messages
7 ALEPH Circulation Renewals If the system finds a problem with the renewal of some loans, a window will pop up with the reason. Depending on setup, it may be possible to override the error, or click Cancel to continue.
8 ALEPH Circulation Renewals Successful Renew or Loan Cannot be Renewed messages will display
9 ALEPH Circulation Renewals Patrons can renew their own loans if they have login access to their account on the Web OPAC through the “My Library Card” option. Patrons also have the options for Renew One or Renew All. These renewals are subject to the same checks as described earlier. The system will inform the patron which loans couldn’t be renewed due to blocks or other problems.
10 ALEPH Circulation Renewals Another method of renewing items through the Circulation module is to go the menu bar and select Circulation | Renew loan by barcode. The system will prompt you for the barcode of the item you wish to renew.
11 ALEPH Circulation Renewals After entering the barcode, you will receive a second screen displaying item and patron information, as well as the renew date. You are able to alter this date if you wish.