The Geography of the Library Geography books and resources are not to be found in just one section of the Library. Use the map to find out where the various resources can be found.
Where to find resources for Geography – Periodicals 333 Reference Reserve Catalogue
550 Geology and Physical Geography Here you will find books about volcanoes, earthquakes, climate change and other Earth Sciences. Back to map
Books about exploration and countries Exploration and adventure France 917 North Americas Back to map
333 Environmental Geography Books about climate change, pollution, energy resources. Back to map
Periodicals. The Library takes Geography Review (A-Level), Wide World (GCSE), Geographical and National Geographic Back to map
Library Reserve These books are kept behind the Librarian’s desk and can only be used in the Library. e.g. Waugh: Geography: An integrated approach Digby: Managing Wilderness Regions Back to map
Reference Atlases, Dictionaries and Gazetteers Back to map
Library Catalogue Oliver is our online catalogue. One computer in the Library is dedicated to the catalogue, but you can access it from any internet computer. It’s web address is or there is a link from the KEGSNET home page. Ask the Librarian for a password and you can access your own library account; see when your books are due back, renew them and reserve items you would like to borrow.