Hurstville Library & Information Services Strategic Plan 2006 – / / / / /10
Hurstville Library Ideas, imagination & community St George’s Dragon Reads!
Stakeholders Residents, workers, visitors (actual & remote) Users & potential users Councillors, executive & senior staff, Council staff Library staff & volunteers Community groups Educational institutions Businesses State Library State & federal politicians Suppliers Regional & consortia partners Professional associations Funding bodies & sponsors Current & potential competitors
Key Assumptions Ongoing need to reinvent ourselves as our role changes Increasing community diversity & expectations of our service Literacy will remain critical
Catalysts for Change: Stakeholders Increasing & changing diversity of community needs & expectations Demographic change (increasing CALD, youth peak 2009, greying population) Expectations of more convenient, personalised service, 24/7 access, multilingual access for all language groups Enabling & providing ‘virtual’ social connections, community living space & cultural venue Need to strategically position the Library in political context (local, state, federal)
Catalysts for Change: Stakeholders continued Regional role & pressure for regional cooperation, strong partnerships &/or amalgamation Council’s strategic direction, MasterPlan, policies & financial resources Increasing need for political support in a time of change
Catalysts for Change: Staff Impact on staff skill sets now & into future from changing expectations, role & technologies Skill mix changes – library qualifications vs comparable qualifications vs experience Changing mix of employees vs contractors Greying of workforce, loss of corporate knowledge Increasing focus on succession planning & professional development Ongoing change management, business process review
Catalysts for Change: Resources Continuing rapid technological changes – impact on role, services, & staff, plus upgraded capacity requirements Resources & funding – local, state, federal, macro economic environment, global trends Expectation of more with less, pressure to value the service in $ terms Increased emphasis on non-Council funding, partnerships & consortia Increasing costs to maintain & renew infrastructure
Catalysts for Change: Resources continued Cost shifting to local government in context of no-growth budgets Pressures for sustainability – social, environmental, economic & cultural
Strategic Focus Themes 1. The Library as a destination – engagement 2. Vision & innovation 3. Dynamic, responsive & relevant services 4. Long-term sustainability – resources, politics & risk
Strategic Focus Themes 1. The Library as a destination – engagement u Promote & increase the Library’s community of users, including virtual users u Provide flexible & appropriate facilities u Enhance & promote the Library’s program of activities, cultural events & exhibitions u Marketing
Strategic Focus Themes 2. Vision & innovation u Innovation – best practice & beyond u Technological leadership
Strategic Focus Themes 3. Dynamic, responsive & relevant services u Understanding our community u Enhanced online services u Improving customer service u Improving collections
Strategic Focus Themes 4. Long-term sustainability – resources, politics & risk u Staff excellence - the Library is an employer of choice u Maximise opportunities for revenue-raising & value-adding to services u Investigate strategic alliances for financial support & enhanced service delivery u Manage risk
Strategies & Outcomes, Actions & Targets
The Library as a Destination Engagement Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Promote & increase the Library’s community of users Increased profile as a relevant & valued community resource amongst a range of user groups Strong & effective partnerships Increased utilisation of rooms & spaces Effective community engagement strategies in place Frontline staff with skills to facilitate inclusive policies & practices Investigate new ways to engage with community Investigate increased community group access & use Review policies to emphasise inclusiveness Build business & community partnerships Increased usage Customer retention rate All policies reflect inclusivity
The Library as a Destination Engagement Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Enhance & promote the library’s program of activities, cultural events & exhibitions Place of community education, lifelong learning & enjoyment for all Strong & effective partnerships Contribute to annual cultural program across Council Build events program eg one- off speakers (Law Week etc), author visits Liaise with stakeholders to develop community identity & local heritage collections & resources Cooperatively develop relevant programs with key identified target groups (children, CALD, youth, older clients etc) Satisfaction / climate surveys Participation rates
The Library as a Destination Engagement Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Marketing Users & non-users knowledgeable & supportive Develop logo & tagline Develop & implement marketing strategy Satisfaction / climate surveys Perceived value for money
The Library as a Destination Engagement Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Providing flexible & appropriate facilities User-friendly, accessible, convenient facilities which meet relevant standards Popular community focal point, promoting community connections Investigate feasibility & options for upgrade of Central & Branch & flexible service delivery options Improve safety & security for library patrons & staff Contribute to CBD MasterPlan Civic Precinct development Satisfaction / climate surveys Compliance with relevant standards Compliance with People Places guidelines Utilisation rates
Leadership Vision & Innovation Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Innovation – best practice & beyond Flexible options for service delivery established to meet identified market need New trends, technologies, services form part of planning cycle Establish issues- based ‘Think Tank’ meetings to plan new business strategies to meet identified customer needs Develop culture of proactive networking & literature scanning Develop culture of information sharing Best practice services & service delivery
Leadership Vision & Innovation Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Technological leadership Technology as enabler for service delivery & process efficiencies Leader in relevant, innovative library technology services Develop and implement Technology Strategic Plan Satisfaction / climate surveys Utilisation rates
Dynamic, Responsive & Relevant Services Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Understanding our community Ongoing, effective community consultations where the outcomes are integrated across the organisation Appropriate analysis of community need Research & consult with community, users & non-users to identify needs & expectations Develop targeted community engagement strategy for input into decisions about collections, resources & services Focus group evaluations Internal support Partner support Needs analyses reflect local / regional / global trends
Dynamic, Responsive & Relevant Services Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Improving customer service Outstanding customer service, high level of customer satisfaction Acknowledged Best Practice across diverse range of relevant & equitable services, facilities & resources Build organisational culture that supports a customer focus & responsiveness to change Investigate opening hours & options for increased out-of- hours servicing Satisfaction / climate surveys Utilisation rates Awards & peer acknowledgement
Dynamic, Responsive & Relevant Services Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Improving collections Meeting informational & recreational resource demands Provider of up-to- date, accurate & timely community information Focal point for local history, cultural & heritage resources Review Collection Development Policy after consideration of community & customer research Improve targeting of collections & services through community input Enhance the community language collection & services Promote & increase access to resources, especially new resources Satisfaction / climate surveys Focus groups Utilisation rates
Dynamic, Responsive & Relevant Services Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Enhanced online access Technologically advanced Improved remote access & connection to global resources Develop & implement Technology Strategic Plan Implement new library management system Enhance portal & remote access Empower patrons, eg computer self- booking system Satisfaction / climate surveys Utilisation rates Service reliability
Long-Term Sustainability Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Library is an employer of choice Sufficient professional, trained staff with technical expertise HR values high quality customer service Support staff to achieve excellence Maximise staff potential through culture of continuous improvement, learning & development Empower Library Management Team & all staff Develop staff succession plan Cultural satisfaction survey (staff)
Long-Term Sustainability Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Maximise opportunities for revenue-raising & value-adding to services Increasing financial independence / contribution to the organisation Appropriate mix of outsourcing & in-house provision of services (for cost-effectiveness) Operationally efficient Investigate revenue- raising opportunities such as contracting services Investigate forming businesses within the library structure Identify needs of different target groups Identify holistic costs of fees & charges, services % funding external to organisation Lower costs / increased resources Outsourcing / insourcing decisions support strategic direction Meet or exceed internal standards
Long-Term Sustainability Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Investigate strategic alliances for financial support & enhanced service delivery Political support at local, state & federal levels Financial support enabling provision of equitable access to services & programs Identify areas of need & key partners, enhancing provision of relevant services at appropriate locations Encourage partnerships – stay open to opportunity Identify needs of different target groups Secure funding base Political recognition of value Champions within the community
Long-Term Sustainability Strategy & Outcomes ActionsSuccess Measures Manage risk Safe service – physical & emotional wellbeing of staff & patrons Intellectual risk managed Comply with & proactively lead in OH&S & risk management requirements by regular audit & review Promote safety to all: safe for employees and public Hazards identified & control measures in place Meet or exceed internal standards
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