Tutorial for Circulation Staff FIU Library Welcome to ALEPH! Tutorial for Circulation Staff FIU Library
Aleph – Where Do I Start?
Aleph – Application Toolbar The application toolbar will be at the top or side of the screen. The circulation module, as well as other modules, can be accessed from the toolbar. Let’s click on circ to get started!
ALEPH – Circulation Module This is the default screen for Circulation.
Aleph – Check out Click on the Left Pointing arrow tab, which is the icon for checking out materials
Check out! Scan (or type) the patron barcode in the top space by the Patron FACE. Then hit ENTER.
Check out! Notice that an abbreviated patron record now fills the screen. I can view the borrower type and any fines that are owed. If the patron is blocked, the information will show on the bottom half of the screen.
Check out! Next scan (or type) the item record for the book in the second space at the top. Then hit enter.
Check out! You can see that the book has been checked out to the patron. The due date is 7th March 2006. The screen is also ready to check out another item.
Check out! However, if the patron does not wish to check out another book, click on the END SESSION button to clear the screen.
Check in! To check in materials, click on the arrow pointing to the right. The scan (or type) the barcode in the open space at the top left of the screen.
Check in! After scanning the barcode, hit ENTER! It is checked in. Notice that the screen shows both the patron and item records when returning materials.
Exercise 1: Loans and Returns
ALEPH – Finding a patron Patrons can be located by name or barcode. Look for the little face!
Finding patrons Click on the patron Face on the left side of the screen. Or enter the patron barcode in the box next to the Face. Let’s see what happens!
ALEPH – Patrons Clicking on the face brings up a search screen to locate patrons one of three ways: name, ID, or barcode. Let’s try it!
ALEPH – Patrons I have typed in Cobham Jude Now I should hit the ENTER key on the keyboard.
ALEPH – Patrons If there are more than one patrons with the same name, simply click on the one you want to look at and click the Select button.
ALEPH – Patrons Selecting the patron will bring up information about that patron. However, if I need to know more, I can click on the Patron Tab.
ALEPH – Patrons Look at the panel on the left side of the screen. I can see how many books are checked out, if the patron has hold requests, and fines.
ALEPH – Patrons The tabs on the lower half of the screen provide additional information: General info, blocks and notes, and privileges.
ALEPH – Patrons Blocks can be added by staff. Choose from the menu the type of block you desire to place.
ALEPH – Patrons Notes can be added by staff to alert patron of needed information.
ALEPH – Patrons User privileges determine what a patron can do at the library. These may differ in sublibraries. The default is standard for each patron type.
ALEPH – Patrons There are some useful tabs at the top of the screen as well. We can look at patron information such as address and patron type.
ALEPH – Patrons Notice that when you change the tab at the top, the fields at the bottom change as well. Let’s now add a new address.
ALEPH – Patrons To add a new address, click on the New button.
ALEPH – Patrons Fill out the information as shown. Make sure to get an email address!
ALEPH – Patrons Make sure to choose the address type. Here I have chosen Additional Address. Click Update when done.
ALEPH – Patrons You can see that a third address is now available. Let’s move on to the patron loans and holds.
ALEPH – Patrons If you click on the loans link in the patron record, you can see the list of items the patron has checked out and the due dates.
ALEPH – Patrons For the highlighted item record in the top half of the screen, you can see more information regarding that record in the lower half of the screen.
ALEPH – Patrons Notice that there is a renew button on the right hand side of the screen. Also, a renew all button.
ALEPH – Patrons If I click RENEW, this popup allows me to verify the due date for the patron and item type. Click OK.
ALEPH – Patrons If I click the Holds link, I can view the specific of any holds that I have placed.
ALEPH – Patrons If I click Cash transactions link, I can view information about any fines that have been incurred.
ALEPH – NEW Patron To create a brand new patron, click on the NEW PATRON button on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
ALEPH – NEW Patron This popup will come up to enter information for the new patron.
ALEPH – NEW Patron The patron ID will be the old NOTIS number (for old patrons). The barcode will be the 14 digit Library Card Number. The barcode verification can be the last four digits of the social security or Panthersoft number. Barcode verification is used when signing into the Web OPAC.
ALEPH – NEW Patron Each time you see an arrow, you must click on it to select the proper category for the patron. You cannot continue until you make a selection.
ALEPH – NEW Patron Once the fields are all completed, Click UPDATE.
ALEPH – NEW Patron After you update, ALEPH will assign a patron number. You can see all of your entries.
Exercise 2: Creating a Patron record
Exercise 2: Creating a Patron record
ALEPH – PROXY Borrower A Proxy Borrower is a person acting on behalf of someone else . An example is a graduate assistant (proxy) who works for a professor (sponsor). Because the proxy works through the sponsor’s account, the proxy’s borrower record needs to be connected to the sponsor’s record. The Sponsor is the person the proxy represents, for example a professor. There needs to be a sponsor borrower record before the proxy account can be created.
ALEPH – PROXY Borrower To create a Proxy Borrower Record bring up the User List by clicking on the face at the top left side of the screen, then click on New or simply click on the New Patron Icon on the top right hand side of the screen. Or if you would like to duplicate a borrower, highlight the desired record and click on Duplicate.
ALEPH – PROXY Patron Complete the Global User Information Form for the Proxy Account. Be sure that the barcode is unique from the sponsor’s. You may identify the borrower as a Proxy in the Name Field or the Title field. Makes sure the profile matches that of the sponsor. Enter the User ID of the sponsor in the Sponsor’s ID Field. And define which circulation activities will be attributed to the Proxy from the Sponsor’s account in the Proxy Type Field.
ALEPH – PROXY Patron You may also place a note that this is a Proxy Borrower in Tab 2.
ALEPH – PROXY Patron You may complete the Local Information From if to wish to give the Proxy Borrower privileges not related to the Proxy Sponsor’s account. You may also give the proxy account an expiration date.
ALEPH – PROXY Patron If the proxy is receiving letters on behalf of the sponsor, then you will need to fill out address information for the proxy account.
ALEPH – PROXY Patron Clicking on the Proxies/Sponsor node, will provide the sponsor connected to the proxy record. To switch to the Sponsor record, click on the Switch To button
Exercise 3: Create a Proxy Borrower
Let’s Review Patrons We can look up patrons by name, barcode or ID number by clicking on the face. We can see what loans, holds, and fines a patron has by clicking the patron tab. We can add a new address. We can renew all items from the patron screen. We can attach a Proxy Borrower onto a Patron’s account.
What about items? Let’s see how to find items in ALEPH. The BOOK icon is where we click to look at items.
ALEPH – Items The easiest way to find an item is to click on the Items command at the top of the screen. Then select Get Record by Find. Or you can select the binoculars in the upper right side of the screen.
ALEPH – Items This screen pops up and allows you to look for an item by a number of access points. Let’s enlarge the popup and take a look.
ALEPH – Items Keyword TITLE Keyword AUTHOR NOTIS number ALEPH system number ISBN ISSN Tickler Barcode Please take a look at all the access points which are available for searching.
ALEPH – Items Notice that we are searching in the FIU01 Bib Library. I have typed lord foul in the Keyword Title search field. Then I can click on Search to find my results. Let’s perform a simple search.
ALEPH – Items This screen pops up and allows you to select the specific item you are trying to locate. Let’s select Lord Foul’s Bane by highlighting it and clicking select
ALEPH – Items Notice the record is now in the full window and we can determine a number of things from the record. Let’s enlarge the record and take a closer look.
ALEPH – Items The book is in the GL Library. It is located in the General Collection. It has a regular loan period. Here is the barcode for the item. The last date of return is 01/03/2001.
ALEPH – Items Note in the lower window, I can see some historical information about the item. To view all the information, you may scroll down or click on the item record link
ALEPH – Items This is the full screen. Also note that I may place holds from here.
ALEPH – Items This screen pops up to place a hold on a book. Take a look at the fields which will need to be filled in for a hold. Remember that the little arrows always bring up choices – one of which must be selected before continuing.
ALEPH – Items If I click on the Bibliographic information link, I can view more detailed information such as the publisher and number of pages.
ALEPH – Items This is the item record for a book that is checked out to a patron. You can see the patron information, date checked out and due date for the item.
Review items. Remember that you can click on the Item tab to look at items. Or you can click on the binoculars on the upper right part of the screen. You have a number of access points to select for searching. The item record can tell you a great deal about an item.
Exercise 4: Search for Item
Exercise 5: Holds & Recalls
ALEPH – Catalog Item For Aleph Quick Catalog – Click on the Items tab then click on Catalog Item. You may also click on the Catalog Item icon on the top right corner of the screen. This feature may be used for special items that are held at the Circulation Desk.
ALEPH – Catalog Item Fill out as much Item Information as is necessary. Click on the arrow to choose from the Drop Down Menus. When done click on OK.
ALEPH – Catalog Item A Barcode and Record screen pops up. Here you can see the ADM Record Number assigned to the item. Click OK.
You have successfully cataloged an item in ALEPH! ALEPH – Catalog Item You have successfully cataloged an item in ALEPH!
Exercise 6: Quick catalog Item
Review Catalog items. Click on the Items tab and the Catalog Item. Or you can click on the Catalog Item Icon at upper right part of the screen. Fill in the Information for the Document and then the Item.
ALEPH - Offline Circulation Use this feature to record transactions on your local computer in the event there is a disruption with your computer’s connection to the server. To access this feature though the regular Circulation Client click on Circulation from the top menu then click on Offline Circulation.
ALEPH - Offline Circulation Choose the type of transaction you wish to do, then enter the patron’s barcode and then the item’s barcode. Click on loan when you’re done.
ALEPH - Offline Circulation When the Server Connection has been re-established, click on Send File to send the transaction to the server. Then click on Clear File to erase the transaction from you local computer.
Exercise 6: Using Off-line Circulation
Review Off-line Circulation Use when there is no connection with to server. Send files only after re-connection to server has been established. Clear Files to erase transactions from your local computer.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Open the Standalone Offline Circulation client from the Start menu. computer. Note it is connected to the FIU50 Library. Choose the transaction you wish, then scan or type the borrower’s barcode and the item barcode. Press Enter or click on Loan to register the transaction.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation When finished with you circulation session, click on the Send button. This saves the transactions to your PC.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation When the connection to the server has been established, the transactions must first be imported into the regular Offline Circulation form within the Aleph Circulation Module. Open the Offline Circulation feature by selecting Circulation / Offline Circulation from the toolbar.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Click on Import File.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Select – AL500_OfflineCirc/files/FIU50/OFFCIRC.DAT
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Select – AL500_OfflineCirc/files/FIU50/OFFCIRC.DAT
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Select – AL500_OfflineCirc/files/FIU50/OFFCIRC.DAT
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Select – AL500_OfflineCirc/files/FIU50/OFFCIRC.DAT
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Select – AL500_OfflineCirc/files/FIU50/OFFCIRC.DAT Click on Open.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation If the transaction file in the regular Offline Circulation Client is not empty, you will receive a prompt asking if you want to overwrite the file. Choose No. These transactions need to be sent to the server first.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation To clear these transactions click on Send File, then repeat the steps to import the transactions from the Standalone Offline Circulation Client.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation You will receive a prompt asking if you want to delete the imported file. Choose yes.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation Choose yes when prompted to send import file to server.
ALEPH – Standalone Offline Circulation After sending the file to the server, select the Offline Circulation – Check Report tab to see if there were any problem relating the thetransactions.