8:48- Please be on time as our specials starts at 9:00 Students are expected to unpack their backpacks and place their homework out on their desktops. Lunch boxes go in the bucket as they are arriving. Our Pledge Leader leads the class in the pledge before we leave for special each morning.
Monday: Art Tuesday: PE Wednesday: Music Thursday: Media Friday: World Language
~We use attributes of the Responsive Classroom to build community and trust in our classroom. Each morning we greet each other, share with one another, and contribute in fun team-building activities. Students are learning important communication and speaking skills.
We are currently in our second year of Math in Focus using the philosophy of Singapore Math. Students use multiple strategies to solve problems, communicate processes to other children and work collaboratively in class. Approach to teaching allows for concrete, pictorial, and abstract representation Continue to practice math facts at home!
September- Personal Narrative Students write daily in their Writers Notebooks and have been busy writing entries about small moments. We’ve been focusing on writing stories that are close to our hearts and hold meaning in our lives. Upcoming writing units include… Persuasive speech, opinion writing, fairy tales, informational research
Recess time: 12:05-12:25 Lunch 12:25-12:45 *We have a peanut allergy in our classroom. Please be mindful of this when packing your child’s snack or when sending in birthday treats.
~ Structure is a minilesson, independent practice and then a share. ~Combinations of whole group, partnerships and individual reading occur. ~During independent reading I am either working with a small group, or I’m conferring with children about their reading. ~Please encourage your child to stick with a book and not abandon right away. Upcoming reading units: Character study & Navigating non-fiction,
Each student is assessed for Word Study in September. There will be a weekly “rule” which students will practice with a variety of visual, auditory and kinesthetic activities. There is a strong link between reading, writing, and spelling development. Assessments- formal and informal. A schedule of class and homework for word study is forthcoming
Citizenship Bullying/Caring Lessons Government Regions of New Jersey Northeast region of the USA
What is a scientist? Scientific Process Measurement- Linear-Liquid-Mass Earth Materials- Earth’s Crust-rocks Structures of Life- Crayfish
Students record their homework in a homework assignment planner. District policy is currently 10 minutes per grade level, which includes reading time. Reading Homework: We start out with minutes of independent reading each night. Math Homework: Math homework will be assigned for practice and reinforcement. If your child struggles with their homework on a particular night, please write a note in the planner or me Word Study- Quick nightly activities. Schedule forthcoming
Dismissal is at 3:20 by the side door near kindergarten. Students should check their backpacks before they leave to see if they have all their supplies.
This year, Ms. Levine, now the Technology Specialist in class will coordinate projects with me using Google as we slowly transition to Google classroom in the future. Children now have Gmail accounts
s- group and individual A note written in the homework box in the student planner “Twitter Tuesdays”- look for a picture or a message Conferences in November
Sterling Hill Mineral Mine in the spring Please write your name on the clipboard in the back if you are interested in chaperoning. Our two class moms, Mrs. Giletta and Mrs. Lynch will be accompanying us, along with 1 other chaperone.
I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities! for taking the time to attend Open House!