Regio MCMC Job shadowing Visit to Lyndhurst Primary School Acquaintin g to Groove FM Radio as a way to work on students’ difficulties The Beginning
Interdisciplinary on Portuguese Language Develop reading skills Develop writing skills Develop speaking skills Music Develop reading skills Value different cultures Develop ICT skills Stimulate learning and students’ self-esteem
Multiculturality on EB 2,3 das Naus is a Multicultural School 12% of the students are foreigners United Kingdom Ireland Netherlands Germany Switzerland Ukraine Romania Moldova Russia Bulgaria Japan China India Brazil Angola Languages spoken: 10 Gives students a voice Promotes intercultural dialogue and mutual acceptance Nationalities
Telling traditional short stories Interviewing foreigner students Interviewing their parents about their experiences as foreigners Reflecting about diversity and presenting their views on the subject Researching other countries music Singing in other languages Reading in foreign and native languages Comparing different traditions
It's not easy, but we love it! School: EB 2/3 das Naus – Lagos | Portugal Teachers: Jorge Figueira & Paulo Soares