This is a "Thank You" message for those who try to help us cope with this difficult phase of our lives, those who help us grow up, learn and be better people. Thank you alert: Thank you for every tear I cried Thank you for every scream I shout Thank you for every rage I hide Thank you for every please I said Thank you for every miss I felt Thank you for every shame I remember Thank you for every beg I act Thank you for every peace I lost Thank you for every pain I deserved Thank you for every hate you meant Thank you for every eye you poked Thank you for every scar you left Thank you for every cut you did Thank you for every hurt you create Thank you for every care you blocked Thank you for every play you made Thank you for every mess you done Thank you for every way you closed
Thank you for every home you destroyed Thank you for every dream you killed Thank you for every bad you named Thank you for every slap I earned Thank you for every break I got Thank you for every fall I had Thank you for every fail I passed Thank you for every turn down I end Thank you for every mistake I done Thank you for every thing I learned Thank you for every dark I light Thank you for every good I hoped Thank you for every love I needed Thank you for every friend I kept Thank you for every memory I have Thank you for all the misery in my life Thank you for every thing … Without you, I can’t be who I am today. So thank you! By: Sawsan from Jidhafs School
Many teenagers think that pressure is bad, but in fact it has some advantages. Advantages of pressure: It improves our life system and modifies our character . *indicates areas of problems. *It shows the movement from one stage to another stage. *it is a practical test to show our ability to face challenges. Typical Ways teenagers use to express anger: 1. drawing 2. writing 3. talking to friends 4. screaming 5. eating a lot 6. Hitting others 7. hurt them selves
Role of teenagers in society The role of teenagers in society is to be active in going against smoking and keeping their countries clean. Adults must give teenagers some advices to keep them awake from destroying them selves. Teenagers must study well and do their duties and take part in useful activities such as sports and arts to provide a better outlet to make the world a better place.
Problems teenagers face: Nowadays teenagers face many problems such as: They do things they want without taking permission from their parents. Many teenagers take bad habits from celebrities. They think that harming them selves is the best way for solving their problems.
Teenagers' Problems: Being a teenager is very hard for everyone in that age. Therefore, a lot of teenagers face problems such as smoking, drug addiction, dropping out of school and many more. So if you are a teenager and have a problem, face it and get help. There are a lot of ways to help teenagers. May be you can talk to your parents or someone at school. You can get help, but don't hide it, deal with it because it will affect you in the future. Zainab Hussain Teenagers face many problems during this phase of their life. The most common problems among teenagers are smoking, drug addiction and dating. If we ask ourselves about the real reasons for these problems, we find out that the community, parents and bad friends are the main sources that teens are influenced by. Teens in these ages need special care because they're going through a new phase which happens to be the most important phase in the human being’s life. We, as teenagers, think that teens do these bad actions because it makes them feel cool and it increases their self confidence, but the main reason is their desire to act like adults. The society has a big role in helping teenagers by raising awareness among them, and that can be done in many ways such as: camps, workshops, campaigns and advertisements.
Afaf Shubar / Ameera .A. Ameer / Hawra Yousif Being a teenager is not always the easy fun and irresponsible age. Teenagers (especially nowadays) face a lot of serious problems and challenges from different sources. One of the most important problems is media. For example T.V, although T.V is a very useful and educational device, it shows grievous numbers of immoral and unsuitable scenes and advertisements that badly effect teens, in fact some channels expose teens to these scenes, the bad language and violence as well. Another problem comes from the community, bad friends and cruel ways of treating teens. These are major problems that affect them and lead them to violence and isolation which makes them mental diseased or even criminals. In my opinion, parents are responsible to watch their kids and to protect them not only by saying ''NO'', but also by being close friends of them and trying to get along with them and hear their problems. Contributions from Masoom’s School
Huda Alkhnaizi I believe that adolescents are the most people who are exposed to the problems. They often feel degraded and their psychological reason for this sense of injustice is that no one understands their problems or what they want. I am in this age and feel that no one understands and no one knows what I want. I would like to stay alone in thinking to myself what I want. If one spoke to me or told me something I feel outraged and perhaps say bad things to them. I do not like that, but I like to be alone. I want to be independent and have privacy and hate guidance and advice. Adolescents face many problems, some adolescents tend to prove themselves by highlighting muscular strength, body, and assault by beating on others who are most vulnerable and it is something wrong of course. They try to impose himself and imposing his opinion by screaming, and the threatening and this alienate them from the people. Appearance sometimes comes to confusion by wearing strange clothes and strange movements in clothing or hairdressing. Contrbutions from Masoom’s School
Raising awareness among teenagers Adults must raise awareness among teenagers by telling them the results of their bad behaviors. Teenagers as well have a role in spreading awareness among their peers by learning from their mistakes and others as well.
How can we raise awareness among teenagers about drug addiction and smoking? Nowadays teenagers are liable to bad influences. The majority of teens are not in the position to understand what is good or bad. Many of them in order to be acceptable, they are carried away by peer pressure. Some of them claim that smoking and drugs are trendy. I personally feel really sad about this. I could be one of them, but luckily I am not. In my opinion we could raise awareness against drugs and smoking first of all at schools which are there to prepare the citizens of tomorrow. A subject should be taught to show the real side of these problems. Secondly, TV channels could show advertisements about the danger of smoking and drugs. Finally, I strongly recommend that parents should more control the everyday life of their children. By: Ekaterini’s Student Maria, 16 years