This is the flow of thermal energy from one object to another. Heat
A substance that provides an easy path for the flow of electricity, heat, or other forms of energy. Conductor
A material or substance that slows or prevents heat, electricity or sound from passing through easily Insulator
This type of heat transfer occurs when two materials are touching. An example is a cup of soup and a spoon. Conduction
This type of heat transfer occurs when heat in liquids and gases from a warmer area and a colder area. An example is boiling water. Convection
This is a form of energy that can travel through space and lies partly within the visible range. Light
How does light travel? Straight Line
What happens to light when it hits a mirror? It reflects
Sasha pulls down a window shade to block the sunlight completely. How would you describe the window shade? Opaque
When light travels through the air and through water, the speed of light changes. The change in speed makes the light bend. This is a example of… refraction
All sounds are caused by…? Vibrations- a back and forth movement
How does the frequency of a sound wave relate to the pitch of a sound? The higher the frequency of a wave the higher the pitch. More waves are contained within a wave length. Waves that are closer together produce a higher pitch.
How is the amplitude of a wave related to the intensity (loudness) of a sound? The larger the amplitude (height of a wave) the louder the intensity of the sound.
Name the four different materials sound can travel through? Wood, Air, Water and Metal
During a thunderstorm why do you always see lighting before hearing thunder? Because light travels faster that sound. Also, the storm could be miles away and this causes a delay.
This type of energy is produced from the sun. Solar Energy
This type of electricity is produce by the kinetic energy of falling water. Hydroelectric power
When you flip a light switch on what type of circuit does it become? Closed circuit
Running the mile run in P.E. you were using what type of energy? Kinetic energy
This is the energy that an object has because of its position or condition. Potential