Chapter 18 Technology Advancements in the Workplace
Today’s Schedule Assignment of Homework Homework Check & Review Group Work Activities Quiz
Homework Research a non-traditional way of making revenue for an athlete or sport team Traditional – signing a contract with a team or ticket sales for a team (DON’T DO THIS) Non-traditional – TV contracts, marketing promotion, advertising, etc. 5-6 sentences so that you understand what non-traditional revenue means Site the source Magazine Internet
Homework Check & Review
Group Work Activity Take an example of Technology in the workplace (Cell phones, computers, etc.) Make a list of Pros & Cons Assess whether or not the technology is overall good or bad for society Assigned speaker will present group’s choice & side to the class
Business Week Article “Online Gaming: Korea’s Gotta Have It” Ihlwan, Moon. Business Week, September Page 42. Is this a world-wide problem? How has advancement in technology led to this? Do you agree/disagree? Why? What other types of on-line games present this type of problem in the U.S. & elsewhere?
Quiz Give an example of a non-traditional way of earning revenue – sport team or individual athlete (3 points) A connection of tens of thousands of connected computer networks is called the _______ (4 points) A program that allows more than one company to access the same information is called the ______ (3 points) What are the school’s office hours? (1 point)