ACCE Clinical Engineering Symposium Overview of IHE PCD Exhibit at AAMI Y2010
Five Minute Overview Where we are located What we are showing What is IHE What have we done What do you want to know
CPOE/ Pharmacy System Future PCD Current PCD Infusion Pump Barcode Medication Administration System Other Devices Anesthesia System Device Interoperability for the Integrated EMR Future Non- PCD Clinical Decision Support System Implantable Device IDCO ACM, DEC, WCM ACM: Alarm Communication Management DEC: Device Enterprise Communication IDCO: Implantable Device – Cardiac - Observation PIV: Point-of-Care Infusion Verification WCM: Waveform Communication Management Home Based System Ventilation System EMR/EHR CIS Physiologic Monitoring System DEC ACM, DEC ACM, DEC, WCM Demonstrated PIV
IHE PCD Architecture ADT, Orders Physiological and Operational Data (PCD) Information Reporters: Medical Devices with Server/Gateway Information Reporters: Standalone Medical Devices Information Consumers: (HIS, PhIS, eMAR, EMR) Physiological and Operational Data (PCD) ADT, Orders Server/Gateway Technical Framework ADT, Orders Physiological and Operational Data (PCD)
6 IHE Standards Adoption Process 6 Document Use Case Requirements Identify available standards ( e.g. HL7, DICOM, IEEE, IETF) Develop technical specifications Testing at Connectathons IHE Demonstrations Products with IHE Improved safety, quality & efficiency! Easy to integrate products 6
7 Locked in the … dungeon?!
8 HIMSS ’10 Atlanta Showcase Floorplan HIMSS ’10? Too big for a single diagram!