Abortion DO you think that a foetus is more than just a clump of cells? Does it have “Sanctity of Life?” Watch the video.
42 million abortions take place every year. Why? Why do women have abortions?
UK Law on Abortion Abortion is the deliberate termination of an unborn baby, through a medical procedure (drugs or surgery). The Abortion Act 1967 legalised abortion: 1.Up to 24 weeks into pregnancy 2.2 doctors should agree that there is risk to woman’s psychological or physical health, or baby likely to be born with disabilities. In reality, abortion is now “on demand” with same-day service available in many private clinics. Eg Mary Stopes clinics. 1.Define abortion. 2.In what ways does abortion go against the Sanctity of Life? (look at last lesson’s work) 3.What 2 criteria should be met for an abortion to be legal? **Why is there is a 24 week limit on abortion? What is different about a 24 week old?
Arguments about Abortion p104 1.Write out the arguments for and against abortion from p Add arguments from what the Church would say. 3.Evaluate: what do you think? Comment on both points of view in arguing for your opinion. **How do you think the Church’s teaching on abortion could affect people, positively or negatively? To give arguments for and against abortion To explain the Catholic Church’s view about abortion To reflect what the Church can do about the issue of abortion “Life must be protected from the moment of conception. Abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes”. Papal Encyclical, Gaudium & Spes.
What can the Church do, to help women thinking of aborting? Mindmap.
The Church is opposed to abortion because… give 2 reasons/ evidence.
Check HW Use the answer sheet to fill in any gaps you have in your own hw.