schizophrenia Candace Moore Period 1
Main idea It tells you the main details about it It has a lot of side effects. Its one of the most serious mental disorders. How to control schizophrenia
topic There are many problems if you have this mental disorders.
What is schizophrenia Schizophrenia means ‘‘split mind ’’ Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by unpredictable disturbances in thinking, mood, awareness, and behavior. there are really no sighs of schizophrenia It can relate to the class by them understanding what it is and what also causes it.
story Susy was walking down the street and she was talking to herself. The lady was walking by her and looked at at Susy was dressed weird and there was no one besides them walking. So the lady was trying to walk as fast as she can so she doesn’t have to walk by her. Susy wasn’t talking to no one besides herself because she thought someone was talking to her in her mind. Susy was talking like she was scared or something.
Key points Positive symptoms include auditory hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder. Negative symptoms (anaerobia, a sociality, flattening of affect, and demotivation) and cognitive dysfunction have not been consistently improved by any treatment Positive symptoms include auditory hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder. Negative symptoms (anaerobia, a sociality, flattening of affect, and demotivation) and cognitive dysfunction have not been consistently improved by any treatment Positive symptoms make treatment seem more urgent, and they can often be effectively treated with antipsychotic drugs. But negative symptoms are the main reason patients with schizophrenia cannot live independently, hold jobs, establish personal relationships, and manage everyday social situations. These symptoms are also the ones that trouble them most. Surveys find that their chief concerns are difficulty in concentrating, thinking, socializing, and enjoying life. It is important to distinguish between lack of expression and lack of feeling, between lack of will and lack of activity. Positive symptoms make treatment seem more urgent, and they can often be effectively treated with antipsychotic drugs. But negative symptoms are the main reason patients with schizophrenia cannot live independently, hold jobs, establish personal relationships, and manage everyday social situations. These symptoms are also the ones that trouble them most. Surveys find that their chief concerns are difficulty in concentrating, thinking, socializing, and enjoying life. It is important to distinguish between lack of expression and lack of feeling, between lack of will and lack of activity.
summary This section was about people that have schizophrenia and what they do and how they act. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness that can be profoundly disabling and is usually chronic in nature. The cause is not. The etiology has known, but there appears to be a genetic predisposition been conceptualized in a stress/diathesis. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that interferes with normal thought processes, causing delusions, hallucinations, mental disorganization, and physical symptoms.