America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition State & Local Regulations Chapter 2 Section 8 MISSISSIPPI 1 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
United States Coast Guard Federal laws Equipment requirements Safety recommendations Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (MDWFP) Additional equipment requirements Educational requirements Registration Certificate of Numbers Legal Responsibility 2 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) A unique 12-digit alpha-numeric number Engraved or on plaque on transom Required for Mississippi boat registration 3 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Registration Sailboats and undocumented vessels equipped with propulsion machinery Owner of vessel required to be registered has 10 days from acquisition to do Fees vary from $10.20 for vessels less than 16 feet to $47.40 for over 40 feet Registration includes the Certificate of Number and two “Validating Decals” Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 4
Registration Validating Decals are issued for calendar years, valid for three years, show expiration date Registration required if boating on Mississippi waters more than 60 days Certificate of Numbers card must be aboard In-state moves or if lost or stolen, notify MDWFP within 15 days Titling boats and engines is optional 5 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Registration Number must be painted, decaled or otherwise affixed to forward half of each side of the boat The number is read from left to right, shall be BLOCK letters and not less than 3 inches tall, in contrasting color to hull and clearly visible MI-1234-YZ or MI 1234 YZ The Validating Decals are placed preceding the prefix letters, within 6 inches of “MI” 6 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Who May Operate A Vessel All persons born after June 30, 1980 must have passed a boating education course approved by MDWFP to legally operate a boat. The boating education certificate must be carried onboard the boat whenever it is operated by someone required to have a certificate To operate a boat or PWC, a person under the age of 12 with a Mississippi boating education certificate must be accompanied onboard by someone who is at least 21 7 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Boat Rentals Owner must prominently display regulations Renter must read and understand MDMR boating rules and regulations Regulations included on contract and signed by renter and owner. –All persons on PWC rental must wear PFD –Persons under 13 on other boat must wear PFD –PWC and similar boats must have and connect lanyard type engine cutoff switch to operator 8 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Negligent / Reckless Operation Operating at excessive speed within 100 feet of another occupied vessel – except overtaking and crossing situations Jumping or attempting to jump the wake of another vessel, within 100 feet of the boat Weaving through congested traffic Speeding in restricted or no-wake areas 9 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friendsOperating in restricted areas
Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 10 Negligent / Reckless Operation Designated No Wake Zones Within 100 feet adjacent to public harbor/marina Within 100 feet of public boat launching ramp facility Specific No Wake Zones Based on need established by citizens, approved and implemented by MDMR Same procedure for change or removal of existing zone Temporary Emergency No Wake Zone Established by Executive Director when imminent peril to public health established. Rescinded when safe.
Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 11 Negligent / Reckless Operation Operating vessel or PWC in a manner that endangers the life, limb, or property of any person, including the operator Bow riding, or allowing a person to ride any place on the vessel where there is a potential risk of injury (bow decks, swim platform, gunwales, other than normal seat Operator visibility obscured due passenger positioning
Alcohol and Drugs Operating watercraft in Mississippi is consent to testing for the purpose of determining alcohol content of their blood Watercraft is motorized vessel with over 24 horsepower engine (boats and PWC) Use causes impaired balance, blurred vision, poor coordination, and impaired judgment Public waters are waters over which Mississippi has jurisdiction 12 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
1 st conviction - $250 to $1000 and 24 hours in jail and complete Boating Safety course 2 nd conviction (in 5 years) $600 - $1000 and jail 2 – 365 days or community service. Not operate boat for 1 year. 3 rd conviction (in 5 years) $800 - $1000 and prison for 30 days to 1 year. Not operate boat for 2 years. Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 13 Alcohol and Drugs
Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 14 It’s The LAW CMR Title 22 Part 10 All vessels on Mississippi marine waters (including personal watercraft (PWC)) are required to have a clearly marked closed container for the proper disposal of waste, trash and other garbage. Throwing trash overboard is punishable with a fine of up to $500 for the first offence and up to $10,000 for the second offence. A marine litter sticker must be posted onboard vessels in marine waters in passenger’s plain view.
Environmental Protection Placard required on ALL vessels in plain view of passengers – it is the law 15 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Life Jacket Requirements (personal floatation device – PFD) ALL with a USCG approved PFD labeled for intended boating, correct size, serviceable One readily accessible throwable floatation aid on boats 16 feet and longer Children under 13 must wear PFD on boat less than 26 feet All being towed, and those on PWC’s must wear (check impact rating for high speeds) Must have onboard all motorized and non- motorized vessels (kayaks, canoes, sail / paddleboards) 16 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Fire Extinguishers Boat length determines number / size USCG Approved Type B required onboard Permanently installed fuel tanks Closed Storage compartments where flammable liquids are stored Closed living spaces Closed compartments under seats where portable fuel tanks are stored 17 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Required on gasoline engines installed after April 25, 1940 Backfire Flame Arrestor 18 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Natural and Powered Ventilation Required on gasoline powered boats Powered ventilation on boats built after 31 July 1980 Natural ventilation for boats built before 1 August 1980 Run vent for at least 4 minutes then sniff bilge before starting 19 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Lights – Sail and Power Minimum of lantern or flashlight on ALL Sunset to sunrise and in restricted visibility Determine stand-on or give-way status Used to avoid collision and determine size 20 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Less than 23 feet, under oars Lights – Human Powered 21 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Service life: 42 Months Visual Distress Signals (VDS) Required on all boats operating between sunset and sunrise Boats larger than 16 feet additionally must be equipped with VDS at all times Non-motorized over 26 feet require day VDS 22 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends OR
Sound Producing Devices ALL boats must carry a sound producing device, e.g., whistle, bell, horn, etc. Boats less than 40 feet are required to make an efficient sound to signal position in reduced visibility Athletic whistles not acceptable 40 feet plus 23 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Avoid placing flag / diving in areas already occupied by boaters or narrow channels Red flag with white stripe marks location of divers. Good practice to avoid by 100 yards. Diving/Snorkeling Flags 24 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Requirements Specific To PWC Education Certificate Certificate of Numbers Impact PFD required Lanyard required from operator to engine cutoff switch No operations between sunset and sunrise unless equipped with navigation lights 25 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
PWC (cont’d) Not operated at excessive speed within 100’ of another vessel unless overtaking or crossing when complying with Rules May not jump, or attempt to jump the wake within 100’ of another boat May not follow within 100’ of a water skier 26 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Towing Requirements Boat Or PWC No skiing or towing between sunset and sunrise Observer older than 10 years required PWC must be rated for 3 persons / observer required 27 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Trailer boaters should remove visible mud, plants, fish or animals from boats and trailers at ramp, prior to transport to another body of water. Scrape any mussels from boat or outdrive, and flush hull, bilges & water holding compartments with hot water (at least 120º F). Do not release plants or fish, including bait, into a body of water unless it came out of that same body of water. To prevent the spread of non-native fish and mollusks in our waterways, boaters should follow these simple rules: Aquatic Nuisances 28 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Pump fresh water through engines before leaving the area. Empty water out of kayaks, canoes, rafts, etc. Let boat, PWC's, trailer and equipment dry for at least 5 days. Learn about Lionfish, Asian Tiger Shrimp, Giant Apple Snails and Salvinia in MS waters. Aquatic Nuisances 29 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
30 Float Plan Always file a float plan with a responsible person. Include intended destination, names of those aboard, time to return and description of the boat. Always provide USCG approved life jackets appropriate for the boating event, fit and adjust to each person, and wear.
Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 31 Reciprocal Agreements Mississippi recreational boaters enjoy agreements. Review: waters/reciprocal-agreement that recognizes your fishing license AL – On Pickwick and Aliceville Lakes AR – On the Mississippi, St. Francis, White and Arkansas Rivers LA – On Mississippi, Pearl and East Pearl Rivers TN – On Pickwick Lake
Accidents Render assistance and remain on scene until medical assistance provided to injured Report accidents north of I-10 to MDWFP and south to DMR Report form must be filed within 48 hours for death and 5 days for - injury/incapacitated over 24 hours damage is over $100 (form – 32 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Officers Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Officers USCG Officers (and on Federal waters) Authorized Peace and Law Enforcement Officers May stop and board to check compliance Enforcement 33 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends
End Chapter 2 34 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends