1 Mathematics & Science Priority Area: Findings Fourth Education Ministerial Meeting Lima, PeruJune 2008
2 Economies Included in Study Australia Canada China (math only) Chinese Taipei Korea Japan Hong Kong Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand (math only) United States of America Number of Economies MathScience Grade Span# # 1-6, , Biology5
3 Note: Comp = Compulsory, LS = Lower Secondary *At U.S. grade 11, a majority of states with course requirements require at least 3 years of mathematics for graduation.
4 The Common Core of Math and Science Primary Level: Content from corresponding grade level standards Lower & Upper Secondary Levels: Content from required courses and courses taken by 50% or more of students Content addressed by 67% or more of participating APEC Economies
5 Math Common Content Core: Sample of Topics Included in All Grade Spans MAJOR MATH AREAS Sub-topics Grade Span 1-6 (12 economies) Grade Span 7-9 (12 economies) Grade Span (11 economies) GEOMETRY: POSITION, VISUALIZATION & SHAPE Points, lines, segments, half-lines, & rays Circles & their properties 75% (9/12) 100% (12/12) 92% (11/12) 82% (9/11) FUNCTIONS, RELATIONS, & EQUATIONS Substituting into or rearranging formulas 67% (8/12) 73% (8/11) DATA REPRESENTATION Representing data Interpreting tables, charts, plots, graphs 100% (12/12) 92% (11/12) 82% (9/11)
6 Sample of Math Topics: Grade Span 1-6 % of Economies Including Topic Data Strand Topics 100%Representing data Interpreting tables, charts, plots, graphs 67%Measures of central tendency 0-20%Prediction and inferences from data
7 Average Representation of Math Strands across Grade Spans
8 Representation of Math Strands across Grade Spans JAPAN: National StandardsUSA: Assessment Framework
9 Note: No answer from Canada and Chile Note: GR = Graduation Rate
10 USA State Mathematics Requirements: November 2004 to June 2008 Number of states by the number of math courses they require Number of states by the specific math courses they require Number of Courses November 2004 June 2008 Specified Courses November 2004 June 2008 Four Courses517Algebra II319 Three Courses 2422Geometry96 Two Courses137Algebra I85 No Courses Required 84No Courses Specified 3020
Comparing Standards Show Differences in Approaches to Instruction
14 Summary of Math Findings Common Content Core: Substantial agreement on the common core; even more so at elementary and lower secondary levels Considerably different balance of strands across grade spans Qualified Teachers Too few Uneven distribution
15 Average Representation of Science Strands in Common Core across Grade Spans
16 Science Common Content Core: Very Few Topics Included in All Grade Spans MAJOR SCIENCE AREAS Sub-topics Grades 1-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-10 EARTH SCIENCES: Weather & climate80% (8/10)78% (7/9)70% (7/10) PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Classification of matter Heat & temperature Physical changes 90% (9/10) 70% (7/10) 78% (7/9) 89% (8/9) 78% (7/9) 90% (9/10) 80% (8/10) ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Material & Energy Resource Conservation70% (7/10)78% (7/9)80% (8/10)
17 Science Common Core Topics: A Limited Number of Topics Addressed by Almost All Economies Within a Grade Span Grade Span 1-4Grade Span 5-6Grade Span 7-10 Heat & Temperature Physical Properties Classification of Matter Chemical Properties Heat & Temperature Dynamics of Motion Electricity Diversity, Organization, Structure of Living Things Life Cycles Habits & Niches Nature of Science Resource Conservation Energy types, conversions, sources
18 Science Common Core Topics: Excluded by Most Economies Grade Span 1-4Grade Span 5-6Grade Span 7-10 Land forms Competition among organisms Types of motion/describing motion Effects of natural disasters Genetic engineering Exo-Endothermic Reactions Frames of Reference
19 Science Findings Common Content Core: Very few topics repeat across all three grade spans Somewhat greater emphasis on Physical Science across all grade spans as compared to other strands Wide range of topics covered in common core
21 Commonality of Math and Science Topics Addressed in Standards in the Common Core Math Grade 1-6 Average Grade 7-9 Average Grade Average 76% Range: 71%-89% 68% Range: 59%-85% 34% Range: 28%-55% Science Grade 1-4 Average Grade 5-6 Average Grade 7-10 Average Biology Average 35% Range: 22%-53% 43% Range: 31%-53% 67% Range: 56%-82% 81% Range: 72%-91%
22 Similarities & Differences: Math & Science Greater consistency on topics taught across economies in lower grades in math and in upper grades in science Coverage of topics in common core is narrow and focused in math, but wide-ranging in science
Math & Science: Policy & Practice Leverage Points Course Requirements Course Content Topic Scheduling: Integrated vs. Sequential Teacher Quality