Garfield Elementary School- Revere, MA A Problem a Day, While You are Away… Entering Grade 1 Summer Math Calendar Directions for Students and Parents: 1. Students will complete a problem for each weekday during the months of July and August. 2. The parent will read each problem to the student. 3. The parent will make sure that the problem is completed correctly. 4. If the problem is completed correctly, the parent will initial the calendar on the appropriate day. 5. Students should return the calendar when school resumes in August, 2015.
July 1 (CC.1/CC.2) Complete the pattern below: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____. July 2 (CC.1) How many counters are there? July 3 (OA.1) How many baseball gloves in all? Page 1 July 6 (OA.2) Draw a picture to show this addition problem. Jon had 4 pencils. Alex had 3 pencils. How many did they have in all? = July 7 (OA.4) Write a number in the box that will make the number sentence true. 5 + = 10 July 8 (G.5) Draw a house using these shapes. July 9 (G.1) Draw a horse inside the pen. Draw 3 chickens outside the pen. July 10 (MD.3/CC.4) Get a handful of coins. Sort them by type and count each type. I have _______ pennies. I have _______ nickels. I have _______ dimes. I have _______ quarters.
July 13 (CC.5/CC.4c) How many keys are there? How many would there be if one more were added? There are _________ keys. If 1 more key was added, there would be ________ keys. July 14 (G.2) Color the rectangles blue. Color the triangles red. Color the circles yellow. Page 2 July 15 (NBT.1) July 16 (OA.5) = = = = July 17 (CC.1) Continue the counting pattern. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, _____, _____, _____. July 20 (CC.3/CC.5) Count the cookies. Write the number. There are __________ cookies. July 21 (OA.3) Complete the number sentences. ___ + ___ = 10 July 22 (G.6) Can you join these two triangles with full sides touching to make a rectangle? Draw the rectangle. =
July 23 (G.4) How many sides does this hexagon have? How many corners does this hexagon have? ______ sides ______ corners Page 3 July 24 (OA.3) Circle 3 hearts. Circle the rest of the hearts. Write an addition sentence to match these groups. ___ + ___ = ___ July 27 (G.3) Write F next to the FLAT shape. Write S next to the SOLID shape. ______ ______ July 28 (CC.7) Circle the sentence that is true. 7 is less than 8. 7 is greater than 8. 7 is equal to 8. July 29 (OA.4) Complete the number sentence. Use the ten frame to help you. 6 + = 10 July 30 (OA.2 ) Tom had 4 stickers. He found 4 more stickers. How many stickers does Tom now have? Hint: Draw a picture to help you solve. Tom has _________ stickers. July 31 (CC.6) Circle the group with the greater number of shells. Keep up the good work!
August 3 (OA.1/OA.2) Write the addition sentence represented by these pictures. _____ + _____ = _____ August 4 (NBT.1) Fill in the ten frames to match the number sentence. 18 = 1 ten and 8 ones. August 5 (MD.2) Circle the object that is longer. Page 4 August 6 (G.6) If I put these two triangles together, the new shape I would make is a ______________________________________ August 10 (MD.2) Circle the tree that is taller. August 11 (OA.1 & 2) Write a number sentence that matches this picture. _____ - _____ = _____ August 12 (MD.1) Complete the sentence. A ____________________ is heavier than a ____________________. August 7 (G.1) Draw a circle above the star. Draw a triangle below the star. Draw a square next to the star.
August 13 (OA.1) Jon had 4 crayons. Mona had 5 crayons. How many crayons did they have in all? Fill in the number sentence. Use the number line to help you. _______ + _______ = ______ August 14 (OA.3) Circle some of the beach balls. Now circle the rest of the beach balls. How many are in each group? How many in all? Fill in the number sentence. _____ + _____ = August 17 (MD.2) Which is shorter, the plate or the cubes? Circle the shorter object. August 18 (CC.7) Circle the greater number. 3 4 August 19 (OA.2) The Lopez family went to the zoo 10 times this summer. If they went to the zoo 4 times in July, how many times did they go in August? Draw a picture to help you solve. _____ - _____ = _____ August 21 (CC.6) Circle the ten frame that has fewer counters. Page 5 August 20 (NBT.1) Complete the number sentence. Use the ten frames to help you. 14 = 10 + _______
August 24 (CC.2 & 3) Continue the counting pattern. Draw circles in the box to match the amount of last number you wrote. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____. August 25 (MD.3, CC.4a&b, CC.5) Use the graph below to answer the questions. How many children in all like to eat apples? _________________ How many children in all like to eat pears? _________________ How many children in all like to eat bananas? _________________ = 1 child Page 6 Great work!