Use of Expert Systems for Application Systems Development
Attributes and Capabilities of ES Software A. Knowledge Representation B. Inference Engine C. Interface to the Developer
Knowledge Representation I. Object Description - Frames - Objects - Parameter Values - Rules II. Actions - Rules - Examples - Logic - Messages - Procedures III. Certainties
Inference Engine - Backward Chaining - Forward Chaining - Object Oriented - Induction - Uncertainty Management - Pattern Matching - Math Calculation - Response to Screen Queries - Accept Uncertain Responses from User - Why? - Multiple Solutions
ES Software Selection Concerns - Can the software be easily acquired and installed? - How good is the support for the software? - Has the software been implemented successfully in a wide spectrum of applications? - Is the source code available? - How well the knowledge representation procedure meets the intended application requirements? - Does the response time of the developed system match the problem if real-time use is needed?
Prototyping 1. Start 2. Design of the Prototype 3. Knowledge Acquisition and Representation 4. Testing 5. Experts and Users’ Feedback 6. Analysis of Results 7. Improvements Needed? No, Go to Step Modification of System and Expansion 9. Go to Step End of Prototype
Prototyping Advantages 1. Expediting the knowledge acquisition process. 2. Facilitating users’ feedback. 3. Demonstrating the features of the ES. 4. Helping to define problem domain. 5. Convincing the skeptics of ES. 6. Securing top management endorsement.
Selected List of Successful Applications of ES Developing Brief Case Task Organization Description MYCIN Medical Stanford Univ. Diagnosing infections XCON Mgmt. DEC Config. Comp. Sys. COMPASS Repair General Tel. Analy. Maintenance Reports ISIS Mgmt. Westinghouse Job Scheduling Am. Finance Am. Express Fin. Analysis Express