Wildlife Living things that are neither human nor domesticated, especially mammals, birds, and fish. –In this lesson, we refer to the higher forms of life as wildlife (vertebrates or non-plant life) Wildlife is considered a Natural Resource –Wildlife allowed the survival of early American pioneers
The Wildlife Population In order to survive, any species must reproduce –Must be done quicker than an animal dies in nature Expected population increase Species require an appropriate habitat –An area that a species can find shelter, food, water, and safety The Limiting Factor –A shortage of some element of the system—results in restriction of population (Ex. Water availability and presence of predators) Carrying Capacity –Who remembers this from before? What is Carrying Capacity?
The Wildlife Population Extinct-species no longer exists Rare-very small population of species exist Endangered-in danger of extinction Threatened-species likely to become endangered Image retrieved from: Top-Bottom L-R flight/; flight/
Wildlife Management Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge in Seymour, IN. Image retrieved from: wildlife-refuges/ wildlife-refuges/
Habitat Requirements The basic requirements of a species habitat –Food Game animals are typically classifies by the type and amount of food they eat –Cover A place that provides protection from predators and harsh weather conditions –Water Most important requirement if wildlife –Home Range and Territory Home Range: area traveled by game and used for breeding Territory: area and animal will defend
Management Practices Game Refuges Habitat Development and Improvement Coordinating Resources Hunting Regulations Predator Control Artificial Stocking We’ll be covering Game Refuge and Hunting Regulations in more detail Image retrieved from: preschool-receives-wildlife-habitat-certification preschool-receives-wildlife-habitat-certification
Game Refuges Setting aside land for the protection of wildlife species –Provides the basic needs for survival without the threat of hunters Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge –Over 7,000 acres of refuge land area near Seymour, IN –More than 280 species of birds found there –Highlighted Wildlife at Muscatatuck Wood Ducks River Otters Bald Eagles
Hunting Regulations Hunting Regulations were put into place as early as the 1600’s –Bison faced extinction because of overhunting Hunting is now controlled on both public and private lands –Used mainly to control overpopulation Populations are dependent upon: reproduction rates, climate, disease, habitat, and predators –Experts track year-to-year populations to determine regulations like bag limits, hunting season lengths, and closed seasons
Freshwater Fishery Management Image retrieved from:
The Habitat Lakes Three zones –Littoral Shallow zone that contains rooted vegetation (lilies and cattails) Most aquatic life located in this zone – Phytoplankton present –Limnetic No rooted vegetation Photosynthesis reaches the bottom of this zone Fish also present in this area – Phytoplankton present –Profundal Bottom zone, no sunlight Warmest in winter and coolest in summer Bacteria thrive in this zone Farm Ponds Uses –Water Livestock –Recreation –Fire Protection –Fish Production Important to manage farm ponds properly
Common Freshwater Game Fish Largemouth Bass Bluegill Channel Catfish Image retrieved from: Top-Bottom: ;
Management Vegetation –Provides food, shelter, oxygen, and area for nesting and spawning –Overabundance can cause problems in fish populations Controlled biologically and chemically Sampling –Tracking fish species and growth Population Removal or Adjustment –Procedures to remove or lessen unwanted species of fish Fishing Regulation –Commonly a limit of fish taken from public waters Water Quality –Essential for fish production –Checking levels of temperature, oxygen, pH, and clarity
Go FishIN! Would you like to go fishing? Indiana DNR has a new urban fishing program! –City Lakes are supplied with rainbow trout and catfish for recreational fishing –17 and younger DO NOT need a fishing license –18 and older DO need a fishing license FishIN in Indianapolis –Fort Harrison State Park –Riverside Park
Aquaculture Propagation or rearing of aquatic organisms in controlled or selected environments for commercial use including food, recreation, or other public purposes Most of the seafood consumed in the US is imported Wouldn’t it be nice if we could produce seafood right here in our own backyard? Image retrieved from:
Indiana Aquaculture Indiana produces 1.5 million pounds of fish per year from about 40 farmers estimated at a value of $15 million Fish grown in Indiana –tilapia, yellow perch, prawns, shrimp, bait fish, catfish, hybrid striped bass, bluegill and decorative fish. Indiana farmers are replacing fish meal with soybean meal in fish feeds to be more sustainable Image retrieved from: aquaculture/42-strategic-programs-aquaculture/79-indiana-aquaculture-producershttp:// aquaculture/42-strategic-programs-aquaculture/79-indiana-aquaculture-producers
References Camp, W., & Heath-Camp, B. (2009) Managing our Natural Resources. New York: Delmar. Indiana Soybean Alliance. (N.D.) Indiana Aquaculture. Retrieved from: programs/indiana-aquaculturehttp:// programs/indiana-aquaculture U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. (2015, Feb. 19). Muscatatuck. Retrieved from: