Politics and Citizens
WHICH WAY WILL RUSSIA GO? Political attitudes. THE ISSUE OF STALIN (see tables on Stalin and Putin) BUT… Study: T.I.Kutkovets et al., “Self-Identification of the Russians in the Early 21 st Century”. Moskovskie novosti, No.25, “The Russian System”, 3 main elements: Dominance of the state over the individual Paternalism Isolation from the outside world “The Modern Alternative”,3 main elements: Priority of individual interests over the state Emphasis on individual responsibility Openness to the outside world
TRADITIONALISTS Hard core (support all 3 elements of the Russian System) – 7% Reserve (support 2 out of 3) – 22% MODERNIZERS Hard core (support all 3 elements of the Modern Alternative) – 33% Reserve (support 2 out of 3) – 37% The Russian System loses 29:70 Russian society does not want to be treated as a passive object of the state
Which social system do you consider more normal and proper? Primacy of individual freedom and personal interests; the duty of the state is to guarantee them – 70% Primacy of state interests, the duty of the citizen is to help the state do its job - 26% Not sure - 4%
Most important principles of the organization of the state: 70% - adherence to the Constitution 48% - strict observance of laws What kind of Russia do we need? 24% - a great military power, where interests of the state are supreme 76% - a country comfortable to live in, where human interests are supreme, and people have opportunities for improving their lot
Characterization of the existing Russian state: 80% - have no idea where Russia is going (but many think that Putin knows) 78% - laws are violated by government officials 58% - government officials are corrupt 50% - nothing can be done to stop the bureaucrats’ arbitrary behaviour 9% - citizens can use the courts to defend themselves 11% - citizens can use bribes or help of the criminals to defend themselves 20% - the government helps me 33% - the government creates problems for me 45% - the government does not play any role in my life
WHAT DOES RUSSIA NEED MOST TO OVERCOME ITS CRISIS AND ACHIEVE SUCCESS? 45% - to strengthen the state in accordance with Russia’s historical experience and traditions 54% - to strengthen the state by changing its basic mode of operation TRADITIONALISTS OR MODERNIZERS?
Which path of development should Russia follow? (Opinion poll, Feb. 2004, ROMIR): 18% - European 2% - Asian 76% - Russia’s own Johnson’s Russia List, No.8111, , Item 17
What is democracy? (Russian public opinion: Yuri Levada Center, March 2004) 44% - civil liberties (freedom of speech, press, association, etc.) 31% - economic growth 29% - order, stability 24% - rule of law 18% - electing top government leaders 11% - a meaningless thing 6% - anarchy Johnson’s Russia List, No.8111, , Item 18
When will Russia become a democracy? 18% - never 10% - it is a democracy already 5% - in 5 years 23% - in years 13% - in years 8% - in more than 50 years Johnson’s Russia List, No.8111, , Item 18