Politics, Policy & the Credit Union Industry
Politics is scary!
Policy is complicated
Credit Unions
What’s on your mind when we talk about credit unions, politics & policy? How deeply involved in politics / policy is your credit union?
No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Govern ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.… Winston Churchill
Why Bother?
Oh, we might affect the legislative process
One elusive concept! Strategy –Differentiation
Policy & legislation Can strengthen staff’s sense of purpose
“Choosing to perform activities differently than your rivals do.” –Michael Porter, Harvard Strategy!
Unique strategy… Staff motivation Differentiated Experience Motivate Members
Telephone Game
Talking about organizations (like AARP) with millions of card-carrying members Jim Nussle, CUNA CEO
So much potential…
Start at Home Legislative Affairs—Create a title, designate a go-to staffer –Must be an opinion leader Get more staff Hiking the Hill
Take a Stand Take positions on political & legislative issues that affect your member-owned financial cooperative –Engage staff, educate them –Engage members, community at large
Channels Educated staff Intranet Web site Newsletter Blog Host events
Clear Boundaries We do not endorse one party over another We do not take positions on issues unrelated to your credit union or the economic health of our community We will pass on candidate endorsements from our state or regional league
Clear Boundaries Get my free one page white paper We are not “single issue” oriented We only take stands on issues related to the health of your financial cooperative / our community We understand that you take more issues into consideration when determining your position on a legislative issue.
Boundaries We understand that you take more into consideration when choosing one candidate over another We do not endorse one party over another
Franklin D. Roosevelt Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.
Matt Purvis