Bell Work Finish your map. You have 15 minutes. 15 minutes End
Write a description of Rome and the Roman Empire. In your description, talk about Roman leaders, landmarks, and cities.
7.1 Analyze the legacy of the Roman Empire. I can analyze the importance of the Roman Empire.
GEOGRAPHY & RISE OF ROME 1. What sea is northeast of Italy? 2. What is Italy shaped like? 3. What is the elevation like in Italy? 4. Where is Rome located in Italy? (Northern, central, or Southern)
Based on the map of the Roman Empire above, and the map of Roman roads to the left, what predictions can your group make about the Romans? Topics to think about: government, trade, religion, language, & culture
ROAD TIME WITH YARN Without standing up, can you connect every desk together with yarn?
The ancient Romans said "All roads lead to Rome." In ancient Rome, that was true. Rome was considered the center of the empire and every city and province had to be connected to the center. There was even a mile marker in the center of Rome that you were supposed to use to measure distance. Every time a new area was conquered or a new province was created, roads were built to connect that province to Rome. Roads were built in as straight a line as possible with stone bridges and tunnels if necessary. Along the side of road, the Romans placed signs called milestones. Milestones told how far it was back to Rome, and sometimes how far to the nearest town and even who was emperor when the road was built. The Romans built thousands of miles of roads and yes, all roads did eventually lead to Rome. Roman Roads for Kids by Mr. Donn’s Social Studies Website
Did you know that a timeline works like a number line? We count backwards until year 0, and then we count forwards.
Romulus & Remus founded Rome in 753 BC Rome was led by kings during this time Established the Roman alphabet, numbering system, and sewer system The republic began in 509 BC In a republic, the people elect the leaders Elected leaders were always wealthy This divided Romans by rich versus poor(plebaians & patricians)
Rhea was a princess and a mortal woman who was married to Mars, the Roman god of war. Rhea and Mars had twin sons and named them Romulus and Remus. Some of the other gods were jealous of Mars and Rhea, and plotted to kill Romulus and Remus. Rhea heard about the plot. Since Mars was away she needed to protect the boys. She put them in a basket and set it floating down the river hoping that they would be found. They were found by a female wolf who decided to raise them as her own cubs. After the boys had grown some the wolf knew she couldn't keep them so she put them where a shepherd would find them. The shepherd and his wife continued to raise Romulus and Remus. As the boys grew into manhood, they decided to build a city and rule it as its king. They had a contest to see who would be the top king. When it appeared that Remus was going to win the contest, Romulus got so angry that he killed Remus with a rock and became the first king of Rome. This is an important story for Romans since their city was started by the son of a god it had to be more powerful than any other city. Now look at the names Romulus and Rome. This is supposedly how Rome was named.
1. Using a full page of your composition book, make the title at the top… “Romulus & Remus” 2. Write a 1 paragraph summary of the Romulus and Remus story. POWTIDE!!! Remember POWTIDE