Paula M. Carmody People’s Counsel Maryland Office of People’s Counsel
Independent state agency People’s Counsel appointed by Maryland Attorney General Represent interests of residential utility customers in Maryland ◦ Electricity ◦ Gas ◦ Telecommunications ◦ Private water ◦ Transportation State and federal agencies and courts 2
Maryland is a restructured state ◦ Generating facilities are owned by competitive companies ◦ Ratepayers are not responsible for construction and operating costs ◦ Environmental compliance will be borne by competitive companies ◦ BUT: We have other cap ex requirements Transmission projects Distribution infrastructure Smart meters 3
Increased capital investments → Rate Pressure → Increase rates → Adopt trackers and surcharges and/or → Manage O&M costs → Adopt risk management tools 4
CPCN proceedings Approval of projects based on need and estimated costs Cost recovery Traditional: Cost recovery when plant is “in” and operating (‘Used and useful”) Cap Ex are recovered from ratepayers through rates Other cost recovery adjustments 5
Generation and Transmission Plant ◦ Need has already been established by CPCN ◦ Costs will be recovered from ratepayers absent a prudency challenge Prudency challenges can be difficult ◦ Cost escalations or over-runs are not sufficient by themselves to avoid cost recovery ◦ Typically will need to show gross mismanagement, fraud or concealment 6
Cost overruns and price escalation ◦ Design ◦ Management of the Project ◦ Labor ◦ Financing ◦ Problems with developers, contractors, suppliers ◦ External factors Siting and permitting Environmental or other compliance Weather Supply cost escalation 7
Cost over-runs are a problem and a risk for ratepayers – They will pay in the end BUT Utilities have the primary responsibility for managing and completing these projects Ratepayers and regulators have a right to expect this will be done in an efficient manner and at reasonable cost The risk should not just be shifted to ratepayers 8
BUT It is worthwhile to consider other approaches that may deliver capital intensive projects at less risk of increased costs One proposal: Hedging as a tool to protect against price escalation and cost overruns 9
Hedging of project costs: Food for thought or a proven tool to address these risks? ◦ Success stories? Does hedging protect the utility and the ratepayer equally? What project costs are to be managed through hedging tools? Materials price escalation External factors Cost overruns due to poor project management 10
Does hedging shift responsibility from the utility to the ratepayers? ◦ Does it create any disincentives for the utility to act efficiently? How do you establish that a hedging tool is the most efficient and cost-effective way to address cap ex risk of a particular project? Does use of a hedging tool require regulatory pre-approval? Recovery of hedging costs ◦ Will some argue that a return should also be paid? 11
Paula M. Carmody, People’s Counsel Maryland Office of People’s Counsel 6 St. Paul Street, Suite 2102 Baltimore, MD