Outline Introduction Higgs Particle Searches for Origin of Mass Grid Computing Effort Linear Collider Detector R&D Conclusions A Quest for the Origin of Mass Dr. Jaehoon Yu
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Introduction The Standard Model of Particle Physics has been very successful u Tests done better than in some cases But our quests for the origin of mass still continues The Higgs particle seems to be deeply involved in it but… u We haven’t seen it yet and could be just around the corner u Have many thesis topics that need immediate attention u New and brilliant ideas for searches needed u We have been leading this effort in the DØ experiment and have developed new tools for Higgs search in ATLAS experiment u Will play a critical role in precision measurement of Higgs properties in the ILC Work with top physicists at top HEP laboratories on top priority issues
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Fermilab Tevatron and LHC at CERN Present world’s Highest Energy proton-anti-proton collider u E cm =1.96 TeV (=6.3x10 -7 J/p 13M Joules on m 2 ) Equivalent to the kinetic energy of a 20t truck at a speed 81 mi/hr Chicago Tevatron pp p CDF DØ Fermilab: ; DØ: CERN: ; ATLAS: World’s Highest Energy proton-proton collider in summer 2007 u E cm =14 TeV (=44x10 -7 J/p 1000M Joules on m 2 ) Equivalent to the kinetic energy of a 20t truck at a speed 711 mi/hr 1500 physicists 130 institutions 30 countries 5000 physicists 250 institutions 60 countries
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Higgs Production X-Sec at 2TeV and 14TeV Experiment e - ( - ) e + ( + ) e-e- e+e+
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Impact of the Latest M W Result from Tevatron Most optimal central value is below the experimental limit under the SM
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Energy of Electron Recent Higgs Search Results in DØ Better than anyone else! Venkat Kaushik
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu HM5e & HM10e Electron efficiency of HM5e & HM10e HM10eHM5e 2 = 1.5x 0.9x 1.4x 0.9x10 -1 2 = 1.5x 1.5x 1.4x 1.4x10 -1 2 = 0.8x 0.4x 0.7x 0.5x10 -1 HM10e 9.79 HM5e 6.69 Covariant Matrix Tools for Higgs Zee H H 4e
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu How are computers used in HEP? Digital Data Data Reconstruction pp p Expect 2-4PB/year in ATLAS
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Grid Computing I have created and been leading a regional grid organization, called DOSAR, Distributed Organization for Scientific and Academic Research u Bringing Grid computing closer to everyday lives We have been playing a leading role in shaping the grid computing in the state and in the world We are playing a leading role in developing ATLAS distributed data analyses!! u We proposed a distributed grid monitoring and obtained significant support for this work u Implementation and deployment in progress
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu MonALISA’s Interactive Client Provides graphical user interface for global monitoring of the resources
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Centralized LHC Distributed Monitoring
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Linear Collider Detector R&D Precision measurement tool for Higgs particle properties in the future!!! (Jacob Smith, Carlos Medina, Heather Brown) Developing a precision detector using GEM We play a leadership role ILC on beam tests and in a detector collaboration GEM’s sensitivity to X- rays allows for new imaging technology
Physics Department Colloquium Jan. 2007, J. Yu Conclusions Exciting time and awesome opportunities u LHC opens up a whole new kinematic regime u Anything and everything that comes out of the experiments are new u Opportunities for s ATLAS Detector assembly, commissioning and Higgs search s Abundant Ph.D. thesis topics s Opportunity to carry out research in Switzerland u Precision Detector R&D to prepare for the future (the ILC) s Plenty of thesis topics s Exciting beam test experiments coming up in the next year or two We are looking for good and ambitious colleagues who want to shape the particle physics in a new era u Come and talk to any of us in HEP group