PBL’s: Exploring Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning By: Julie Earl Ivy Tech Community College
What is a PBL? CharacteristicsTypes Inquiry-based question or task Real-life connections Student-centered learning Standards-based content Project-Based Learning Complex task Creation of actual product and/or presentation Problem-Based Learning Tackles problem No project
Pros Collaboration Critical thinking Common Core Knowledge Motivation Retention
Cons Time Resources Assessment Resistance
Examples in the Classroom Focus: 21st Century Learning Four C’s “How can we as historians inform others how our county has changed?” Offers real-life experiences Promotes civic engagement Encourages critical thinking Box City Promise Road Elementary Unit: Planning and the City 3 rd and 4 th grade
Other Examples in the Classroom “How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint” – 5 th grade “Indiana Tourism” – 4 th grade - Available on state DOE website “Farm to Table” - Kindergarten
Discussion After hearing this presentation, have your views regarding the ways in which students best gain and retain knowledge changed? If so, in what ways? Can you think of any other positive or negative aspects of PBL’s that were not mentioned in this presentation?
References Buck Institute for Education. (2013). What is PBL? Retrieved from Gijbels, D., Dochy, F., Bossche, P. V., Segers, M. (2005). Effects of Problem- Based Learning; A Meta-Analysis from the Angle of Assessment. Review of Educational Research, 75(1), Hallermann, S., Larmer, J. (2013). The Role of PBL in Making the Shift to Common Core. Retrieved from pbl-in-making-shift-to.html. pbl-in-making-shift-to.html Herrington, Robert. (2013). Thinking Outside the Box. Current in Noblesville. Retrieved from Koch, J. (2014). Teach 2: Student Edition. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.
References Vega, Vanessa. (2013). Project-Based Learning Research Review. Retrieved from Vega, Vanessa. (2013). Project-Based Learning Research: Evidence-Based Components of Success. Retrieved from research-evidence-based-components. research-evidence-based-components Vega, Vanessa. (2013). Project-Based Learning Research: Avoiding Pitfalls. Retrieved from
References (Images) Asia Society. (2013). Project Based Learning Tops Traditional Instruction. Retrieved from schools/professional-learning/project-based-learning-tops-traditional- instructio. schools/professional-learning/project-based-learning-tops-traditional- instructio Frederick County Public Schools. (2013). Technology Resource Teachers. Retrieved from Herrington, Robert. (2013). Thinking Outside the Box. Current in Noblesville. Retrieved from Indiana Department of Education. (2013). Retrieved from
References (Images) Northwest Exterminating. (2012). 5 Tips to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. Retrieved from reduce-your-carbon-footprint/. reduce-your-carbon-footprint/ PictureSocial. (2012). Art/Photography and Time Restraints. Retrieved from restraints. restraints St. Clair County Schools. (2013). Project Based Learning – It’s Not Just the Dessert, It’s the Main Course! Retrieved from Webster House. (2013). Farm to Table. Retrieved from