Our project Lesson 6 Fun with polymers
Starter The properties of Ms G are: –Female –Teacher –Loud mouth –Dark hair –Pregnant! So what does ‘properties’ mean?
When you think of things made of plastic, what do you think of?
Did you get any of these?
What properties do they have?
Weird polymers There’s also plastics with very weird properties. We’re going to do some experiments with them today Put all your thoughts and ideas on your sheet
Experiments we will do How much water will a nappy hold? How does the nappy polymer work? Making bouncy balls from PVA glue
Nappies! Watch Ms G demo opening a nappy The powder inside is a type of polymer Now you do your experiments… …and don’t forget to fill in the sheet!
Make your own clothes! We are going to make our own disposable clothes The polymer we are using completely disappears in hot water! What things would this polymer be useful for? Why is it SO fab?
Homework This lesson we’ve looked at some amazing polymers that scientists have designed Invent a polymer and a use for it Be as imaginative as you can!