U.S. EPA and the Global Methane Initiative: Supporting Coal Mine Methane Project Development in SW China Southwest China Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Development Best Practices Workshop December 8-9, 2015 Guiyang, Guizhou, China Felicia A. Ruiz, Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
Global CMM Emissions Projection Projected emissions from top 5 emitting countries…. U.S. EPA. Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: 2010 – 2030 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. April 2014, EPA Report 430S14001. http://epa.gov/climatechange/EPAactivities/economics/nonco2mitigation.html
Global Methane Initiative (GMI) GMI is a voluntary, multilateral partnership that aims to reduce methane emissions and to advance the abatement, recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source. Established in 2004 , with U.S. and China among 14 founding partners Now 43 government partners Targets five sector-specific areas for methane reduction Agriculture Coal Mines Municipal Solid Waste Municipal Wastewater Oil & Gas Systems GMI focuses on five sectors: agriculture, coal mines, municipal solid waste, municipal waste water, and oil and gas systems. The GMI is focused strategically on building capacity – trying to help country partners identify projects with the most potential and to enable them to bring these projects forward to project developers and technology providers. To this end GMI works on: Resource Assessments – an assessment of methane opportunities in any given sector within a developing country Feasibility and Pre-feasibility studies – Analysis of specific project opportunities to help countries understand which are optimum for development Tools development – technology database and financial model Training and Workshops – Reaching out directly to owners and operators and sector specific audiences to teach them about methane reduction opportunities and tools and techniques. - Study Tours and Clearing Houses – bringing people to see model methane projects and setting up information clearing houses in developing countries to serve as a one-stop-shop on methane abatement for specific sectors. 3
U.S. Coal Sector Activities Under Auspices of GMI U.S. EPA is the nodal agency for GMI, houses the Secretariat (ASG) Executes work under the U.S. Coal Sector Methane Action Plan Goal to reduce GHG emissions, promote use of clean energy source, & achieve profitable recovery of CMM Co-Chairs the GMI Coal Mines Subcommittee, with China and India Promotes Methane Mitigation and Abatement Identifies, evaluates and promotes CMM recovery and use opportunities; develops technical documents, tools and resources CMM/CBM Clearinghouses (China, India, Russia) GMI Grants (2007 – 2012) CMM feasibility and pre-feasibility studies – new studies in 2015! Cooperation with UNECE Group of Experts on CMM Support for implementing / disseminating Best Practice Guidance High-level policy and regulatory guidance Colombia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Ukraine Technical, financial and policy workshops Tools and resources for global community Updated CMM Country Profiles in June 2015 CMM Finance Guide and CMM Financial Model Plan 4
CMM in SW China 10% of China’s coal production comes from SW China SW China has 11% of China’s coal associated methane SW China accounts for 25% of drained CMM and 10% of that which is used. Estimates of total methane drained in 2014 is around 3.4 billion m3; with 1.25 billion m3 used. Opportunities for additional gas use exist. Opportunities for additional gas use. Average Specific Emissions China - 1.5 m3/t SW China - 4.0 m3/t Guizhou - 6.3 m3/t
U.S. EPA / GMI Activities in SW China Since 2007 Grants to GZICCEP to support Guizhou CMM Initiative Qinglong and Zhongling Pre-feasibility Studies Resources, Workshops, Network Feasibility Studies Songzao Coal and Electricity Co. Nengfa (Linhua) Mine Pre-feasibility Studies Yanjing Pre-feasibility Study Fuhong Pre-feasibility Study Mopanshan Pre-feasibility Study China Energy Markets Report Energy market analysis for coal, natural gas and CMM in 5 provinces
Locations of GMI SW China Feasibility and Pre-feasibility Studies
Results of Feasibility and Pre-feasibility Studies in SW China (1) Estimation of CMM resources and investigation of viable end-uses at each coal mine. Mining complex Coal reserves Estimated recoverable gas resources Gas end-uses investigated Songzao 728.9 Mt 7.18 billion m3 LNG Nengfa 174.5 Mt 51.5 million m3 gas sales Qinglong 89 Mt 1.34 billion m3 power generation and CNG Zhongling 710 Mt 8.91 billion m3 Yanjing 83 Mt 845 million m3 Fuhong 9.4 Mt 122.7 million m3 power generation and coal drying Mopanshan 60.75 Mt 2.92 billion m3
Results of Feasibility and Pre-feasibility Studies in SW China (2) Songzao – Joint venture for construction and operation of a CMM-to-LNG project at the Songzao coal mines. Qinglong – Presently using CMM generated electricity, with potential for additional production and additional end uses. Nengfa – Parent company of Linhua, is working toward development of the gas resources associated with its coal resources. Songzao - joint venture for construction and operation of a CMM project at the Songzao coal mines; DKT will construct a CMM to liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant that will connect to Songzao’s gas pipeline network. The plant will use CMM with a concentration of 30 percent methane in air as feed gas. The plant capacity is designed to process 15,000 standard m3 of CMM per hour yielding 35 million m3 of methane per year. Due to expected fluctuations of CMM flow and concentration, production will vary from 30 to 40 million m3 (25,000 - 30,000 tonnes) of LNG per annum (DKT, 2015).
Get Involved: Join the GMI Project Network Brings necessary actors from the private sector, NGOs, and multilateral investment organizations (World Bank, ADB, etc.) together to implement reduction projects. More than 1,000 diverse organizations from six continents. Project Network members can: Expand business and increase profits Distinguish themselves in the marketplace Identify financial and technical support for potential projects Build capacity Fulfill strategic goals Mitigate climate change www.globalmethane.org The Project network provides GMI with technology expertise, with project funding (multilateral development banks) and with project developers.
全球甲烷论坛 GMI, in partnership with CCAC, is organizing a Global Methane Forum, to take place 28-30 March 2016 in Washington, DC, USA. This event will convene methane experts and policy-makers from around the world to discuss options for methane reduction and abatement activities. Attendees of the Global Methane Forum will have access to the following: - High-level plenary sessions on cross-cutting issues such as project financing. - Technical sessions on biogas (agricultural sources, municipal solid waste, municipal wastewater systems), coal mines, and oil and natural gas systems. Joint GMI Subcommittee – CCAC Initiative level discussions on policy and projects. Opportunities for networking with methane experts in the public and private sectors from around the world. More information will be available soon (Note: until ASG has a web TO there’s no info posted yet on gmi.org) 2016年3月28-30,美国华盛顿
Contact Information – U.S. EPA Felicia A. Ruiz Coalbed Methane Outreach Program (CMOP), U.S. EPA Co-Chair, Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Coal Subcommittee + 1 (202) 343-9129, ruiz.felicia@epa.gov www.epa.gov/cmop www.globalmethane.org