Sri Lanka Digital Infrastructure Its readiness and what it holds for the future Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) Presented By Muhunthan Cangey CEO/MD ICTA on
What are the core components of Digital Infrastructure Connectivity Computing infrastructure End User Devices Human Capital Physical Infrastructure Legal Framework Security Culture
What are the extended components of Digital Infrastructure services Digital Financial Inter-exchange Framework Fulfillment Framework Interoperable Framework Citizen Adoption Framework Provisioning/D elivery Infrastructure Training Framework Analytics (real time and non real time predictive analytics)
Connectivity ICTA has formulated a strategy to drive change in the telecommunication bandwidth and pricing outlook. – Implementing Q ICTA’s drive to ensure fiber reaches every part of the country – Implementing starting Q4 2015, finish by Q ICTA will bring Digital Infrastructure infrastructure reform in telecommunications space by Q ICTA will ensure Sri Lanka becomes the first country in the world to be fully connected. This will be done with Google Loon National Infrastructure – Commercial roll out by Q2 2016
Connectivity Minimum of 10,000 WiFi Hotspots - completed by Q 550 sites with minimum 100 Mbps – completed by Q sites with minimum 100 Mbps – Completed by Q sites with minimum 100 Mbps – Completed by Q P-connect sites with minimum 100 Mbps – Completed by Q2 2017
Computing Infrastructure Implementing G-Cloud National Computing Infrastructure 1 st Phase by Q4 2015, 2 nd Phase by Q1 – 2016 Implementing G-Cloud National Storage – Q Implementing G-Cloud Big Data Analytics Platform – Q National Authentication Platform (Biometric and multi-channel SSO) – Ready Q2 2016
Computing Infrastructure National Digital Identity Platform (NFC, EMV certified, Biometric (Face, Finger, Iris, Voice) – Ready Q1 2016) National Digital Identity Authentication Open Platform (Biometric and multi-channel SSO, including oAuth, Voice and SMS) – Ready Q1 2016
Computing Infrastructure Common Digital Infrastructure at 350 locations island wide for governments data collection / service points – Ready Q 7,500 Postman with handheld devices for Citizens service delivery – Completed Q Implementing 100 Sites of HD meeting room Video Conferencing by Q balance 332 Sites by Q and another 600 Sites by Q2 2017
Computing Infrastructure Digital Documentation for 100 Government ministry/institutions – competed by Q3 2016, all institutions by Q Digital Documentation for Government and Public in 500 Post Offices by Q3 2016, balance 4000 post offices by Q4 2017
Physical Infrastructure National Data Center – Completed Q Second Fiber Link – Proposed to be completed by Q4 2017
Security National Digital Identity Authentication Platform – Two or multi-factor supported. Nation Security Operation Center (NSOC) – First Phase by Q NextGen SLCERT by Q3 2016
End User Devices 1 Million Tab roll out by Q Target Price for consumers Rs. 750 per month which includes 7” Tab + 5GB internet per month Target Price for consumers Rs. 950 per month which includes 10” Tab + 5GB internet per month Additional 1 Million Tab roll out by Q1 2017
Human Capital Triple the number of ICT professional in the next 60 months Double Experts in the next 36 months
Legal Framework Electronic Transaction Act – Established Computer Crimes Act – Established Data Protection Act – Proposed enactment Q Budapest Cyber Crime Convention – Implemented June 2015 UNCITRAL – Ratified by Cabinet in July 2015 and deposited in New York in August 2015
Lets Skip……
Lets see from a banking perspective and if banks are ready?
Are you Banks ready for this revolution?
Once again my question…. Are you Banks ready for this revolution?
People are demanding for digital inclusion. Government is making considerable investment in Digital Infrastructure. Competition is coming very fast.
How could you be successful on becoming a digital Bank? Our thoughts Divide you core bank traditional product offering and the Digital Banking. Spin your IT teams as a separate company for Digital Banking Let the spin off company build an organisation with Technology based culture and not a traditional banking based culture Move away risk evaluation from the new spin off’s – Credit Risks are different from Technology risk evaluation.
Change your culture and the way you work.…. Look at Millennia's and gather the way they want you to work Change from Printing Slips for every transaction mentality think of sending all instructions digitally Embrace knowledge and invest into intellectual capital Move away from traditional board/meeting room decision making to coffee shop decision making
Our humble request to Banks Stop asking for collateral.. collateral… collateral… have better analytics. Setup a fund to Invest in startups with great idea’s Lend to intellectual workforce on creating new startups
Thank You Muhunthan Canagey CEO/MD Information & Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) LinkedIn: Muhunthan Canagey Facebook: