TV is watched by many Americans and affects our outlook on life both consciously or subconsciously. If television were more diversified, there would be less normalcy of white and more acceptance of minorities in lead and non- stereotypical roles. A review system would be implemented on the web to review primetime shows on major local broadcasts based on racial diversity and use of minority characters.
Inputs -racial awareness -redefining normal character roles -challenging conformity and more of the same programming Activities -reviewing programming from a racial perspective -critiquing diversity on a network level -gauging changes in trends of overtime of casting characters and use in plot Outputs -minority Characters in lead roles and non- stereotypical roles -saturation of white characters - changes in diversity ratings Outcomes -changes in casting trends -opportunity for minority actors -less emphasis on white as “normal” -diversity in programming
Local Networks would be rated based on their primetime programming and divided by season. Each program would be rated based on the cast, plot, and subsequently given an overall rating. Cast would be broken down into major and supporting characters and would measure the amount the minorities in these roles and the saturation of white characters. Plot would be measured by use of minority characters whether it be in a stereotypical or token fashion or in roles that evoke normalcy with no emphasis taken on race or ethnicity.
Reviews would be placed on website as well as on other sites that allow user reviews with a link to our site. Each series would then be averaged into a season and furthermore into a year of programming. Networks would receive evaluations of their diversity each year. Trends and changes would be measured over the years
More roles available to minority actors Less emphasis on White as normal and the rest is a collective other Less emphasis on overall race in choosing characters for roles A better concept of normalcy among all cultures Acceptance of people of the norm rather than their stereotypical typecasting Diversity in programming
Heroes (Season 3, Ep 54 Cold Snap) Airdate 3/23/09 The episode got things rolling really quickly as Danko received the Puppet Master mysteriously as a present. It focused a lot on Angela Petrelli and her escape from being hunted as Noah attempted to hunt down the mysterious Rebel. Tracy escaped with Parkman, Suresh (who was captured earlier), and Daphne but quickly parted ways to save herself. She was quickly confronted by Bennet who gave her the deal of handing him Rebel for her freedom. Meanwhile Ando and Hiro find Matt Parkman’s baby from his ex-wife to discover that he too has powers, he can power on electronics; give life where there is no life. As they try to protect him, they are attacked by Danko’s men and by deus ex machina Hiro recovers his powers from the baby. However just his power to freeze time and not teleport. He then somehow walks 12 miles with Ando in a wheelbarrow. “Time is on our side” Angela makes a forgettable attempt to escape and as she is being tracked is saved by Peter. It is then revealed to Tracy that Rebel is Micah which was no big surprise as the only reveal technopath. They make a run from Bennet and Danko and Tracy is forced to sacrifice herself to allow Micah to escape. I guess she feels her soul can’t be redeemed for her selfishness? Finally Parkman dashes Daphne to the hospital to heal her wounds. They share a fairytale moment in her mind and the series established that other than visions of the future, Matt and Daphne really have had no chemistry or relationship to build. (Racial Analysis Cont’d)
Characters Main The only main characters who were minority seemed to be Ando and Hiro. They took up a fair amount of screen time though they had to compete with the more “important” characters: Danko, Bennet, Andrea, Tracy, Matt, Daphne. 5.0/10 Supporting As per supporting cast, Micah took a lot of the episode even in scenes where he was not physically present but simply using his powers. His new roles seems to be of the redeemer and avenger. A guardian angel if you will. Hopefully in the next few weeks we’ll see his role expand to a much larger one. He kind of reminds me of Sabertooth in Age of Apocalypse as he tries to free as many heroes as he can. Suresh, despite being an established character, definitely took a back seat as a supporting character as he really didn’t do anything other than get caught and follow Parkman around like dead weight. 8.5/10
Plot I feel Ando and Hiro were relegated to slapstick comedy as they always are and no matter how entertaining, I feel that they have so much more potential. I also feel they deserve a little more respect as main characters than being used for gags all the time. Micah became the new Messiah as he goes about saving people using his powers. Hopefully he won’t become the “Magical Negro” even though he’s half or becomes a sidekick to someone else. I would really love to see him act on his own and flourish as his own character with depth what with both his parents killed. Suresh really served no purpose this week, dead weight, a token. 6.5/10 Overall 6.67/10