Unit 1 Review
Neolithic Era Stone tools Domestication of plants and animals Early societies Technology metallurgy
Agricultural Transition Groups of people organized into political units Populations began growing due to food surpluses Trade developed between societies More and more mass migration of people
Social Distinction Caste system Gender roles/status Role of agriculture Crucial part of civilization
Epic of Gilgamesh Mesopotamian epic poem Deals with search for immortality
Mesopotamia Traded with other civilizations as far away as the Indus River Valley Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Polytheistic religion – reinforced by the environment Loose collection of city states
Ziggurat Mesopotamia Built by kings to show political power Served as a religious temple
Hammurabi’s Code First set of codified laws Mesopotamia Strict, punishment fits the crime
Assyrians Mesopotamia Established the idea of empire
Bronze Metallurgy Created by combining copper and tin Replaced stone tools Used to create tools and weapons
Cuneiform First system of writing Mesopotamia Record keeping Led to the development of formal, bureaucratic governments
Hittites Conquered Egypt Skilled warriors Introduced chariots
Egypt Well organized society – lasting empires Believed in afterlife – pyramids Pharoah For the most part polytheistic Akhenaton favored monotheism
Pyramids Egypt Constructed for the pharaohs as their final resting spot Showed the power of the paharaohs
Hyksos Semitic people Conquered Egypt during the Middle Kingdom Introduced bronze and chariots to Egypt
Hieroglyphics Egypt Writing system Use of pictures to depict words and ideas
Harappan Society Earliest know civilization in the Indus River Valley Evidence of trade between Harappans and Mesopotamia
Aryans Conquerors of India Brought religious ideas to India Ie - Hinduism
Indus River Civilizations Along the Indus River Harappans and Mohenjo-Daro Very little is known, because written records have not been deciphered
Caste System Social system in India Enforced rules about social behavior
Jati Subcaste in the Indian Caste System
Karma Hindu belief Your actions determine your fate in life and life after reincarnation
Xia Dynasty Early Chinese dynasty Little known history due to the destruction of written records and literature by the Qin emperor
Shang Dynasty Mandate of heaven Powerful priestly class Bronze casting was a huge accomplishment
Mandate of Heaven Chinese idea introduced by the Shang King/emperor is viewed as an intermediary between heaven and earth
Olmec Mesoamerica – located in modern day Mexico Polytheistic Known for human head sculptures
Maya Mesoamerica – modern day Mexico Traded with Olmec Polytheistic Popul Vuh – the Mayan story of creation
Chavin Cult South American society Percursor to the Inca Domesticated the llama as a work animal
Austronesians Aboriginal people of Australia Maintained hunting-gathering practices
Polynesians Island people of the south Pacific Turned to agricultural life style and began settling
Paleolithic Age Time simple tools were developed
Bantu Groups of African people that migrated to the southern portions of the African continent. Introduced metallurgy and agriculture to many parts of southern Africa Many aspects of their culture are still seen in Africa today