마스터 제목 스타일 편집 마스터 텍스트 스타일을 편집합니다 둘째 수준 셋째 수준 넷째 수준 다섯째 수준 The GOMS Family of User Interface Analysis Techniques : Comparison and Contrast Bonnie E. John David E. Kieras Young-joo Jeon
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Contents Abstract Introduction Comparison ( ) Summary and Comparison (1.2.3.) Conclusion
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Abstact The GOMS model has been one of the most widely known theoretical concepts in HCI. (Since the publication of The Psychology of HCI’) This article compares and contrasts GOMS ’s 4 family. (KLM, CMN-GOMS, NGOMSL, CPM-GOMS)
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Introduction 1.1. The Example Task
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Introduction Goals - what the user intends to accomplish Operators - actions that are performed to get to the goal Methods - sequences of operators that accomplish a goal Selection Rules - used to describe when a user would select a certain method over the others. Selection rules are often ignored in typical GOMS analyses. Goals vs. Operators 1.2. Definitions of 4-GOMS
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Introduction Program Form (e.g., mark-and-delete method) 1.3. Form of a GOMS Model Sequence Form (e.g., delete-characters method) Advantage All procedural knowledge is visible to the analyst Disadvantage The only way to determine… Quite time consuming
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison GOMS 중 가장 간단한 기술. Execution time 예측. ( 미리 정의된 행동양식의 예상시간을 비교하여 분석하는 방법.) e.g.) K - press a key or button P - point with a mouse to a target on a display H - home hands on the keyboard or other device D - draw a line segment on a grid M - mentally prepare to do an action or a closely related series of primitive actions R - the system response time (user waiting time for the system) 2.1. The Keystroke-Level Model Architectural Basis and Constraints. Simple cognitive architecture: HIP (Human Information Processing) 의 Serial stage model 에 기반.
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Example KLM The Keystroke-Level Model
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Card, Moran, and Newell GOMS. Methods - Program form 로 표현. (submethods, conditionals 포함 ) Operator sequence, execution time 예측 2.2. CMN-GOMS Architectural Basis and Constraints. MHP (Model Human Processor) – parallel-stage architecture 와 HIP (Human Information Processing) 의 Simple conventional model 기반.
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Example CMN-GOMS 2.1. The Keystroke-Level Model
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Comparison to the KLM CMN-GOMS CMN-GOMSKLM Program form (general, executable) Explicit hierarchy and goal One-to-one mapping Implicit hierarchy No explicit goal Ks and Ps mapping
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Natural GOMS Language Program form 로 표현. operator sequence, execution time, learning time 예측 2.3. NGOMSL Architectural Basis and Constraints. CCT (Cognitive Complexity Theory)- simple serial-stage architecture working memory 에서 production rules 를 활성화.
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Example NGOMSL - Learning Time Predictions - Execution Time Predictions 2.3. NGOMSL
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Comparison with KLM and CMN-GOMS 2.3. NGOMSL NGOMSKLM and CMN-GOMS Execution time How time is assigned to cognitive and perceptual operators. More M-like operator (Determine-position, verify) Unobservable operator 각 단계마다 Cognition execution time 필요 (CCT 기초 ) KLM: single crude M operator CMN-GOMS: no time (overhead)
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Cognitive-Perceptual-Motor GOMS Critical-Path-Method: (provide the prediction of total task time) execution time 예측 - component activities 분석에 기초 - requirement of analysis level (primitive operator) : simple perceptual, cognitive, motor acts CPM-GOMS
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Architectural Basis and Constraints. MHP (Model Human Processor) 에 기반. (parallel) Human 2.4. CPM-GOMS Extreme expert user Perceptual ProcessorsCognitive Processors Sensory information1 st acquiredrecognizedPhysical action Each processor : internal - serially operation, external - parallel running deposited
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Example CPM-GOMS - Begins with CMN-GOMS model 2.4. CPM-GOMS
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison 2.4. CPM-GOMS Example CPM-GOMS - Execution Time Predictions
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Comparison Comparison with KLM, CMN-GOMS, and NGOMSL 2.4. CPM-GOMS CPM-GOMSKLM, CMN-GOMS, NGOMSL Directing mapping (CMN-GOMS) No selection rule (sequence rule) Reasonable Shorten prediction (MHP_ Expert user) selection rule
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Summary and Comparison 3.1. Predictions
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Summary and Comparison 3.2. Operator Time
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Summary and Comparison 3.3. Architecture Assumptions KLM CNM-GOMS NGOMSL CPM-GOMS Easy to apply, Predicts only execution time Predicts execution time for all subsumed task instances Working memory and specified procedure knowledge Explicit representation of procedural knowledge Predict Learning time Predicts subtle execution time, overlapping patterns of activities Simplest cognitive architecture More complicated cognitive architecture Powerful, unspecified multiple parallel processor architecture Elaborated sequential architecture
Division of Information Management Engineering _User Interface Lab. Korea University. since 1905 Conclusions Importance of the procedures for accomplishing goals (user must learn and follow system) -quantitative predictions of procedure learning and execution time. qualitative insights into the implications of design features. Useful tools for HCI and practical design Expect to improved HCI models (more comprehensive, accurate, and useful)