Learning objectives: To be able to discuss the reduction of resource consumption by: conservation [Reduce] waste reduction [Reduce and Reuse] recycling [Reduce] substitution [substituting plastics for bioplastics]
Define the terms: Waste Conservation using less unnecessary packaging etc… Waste Reduction reducing levels of consumption or choosing reusable alternatives eg rechargeable batteries… Recycling taking waste products and reprocessing them for an alternate future purpose eg aluminium cans melted and reshaped… Resource Substitution finding and alternative (substitute) resource that has less ecological impact eg permanent shopping bags instead of throwaway carrier bags…
Recycling in Camden
Case study – Recycling strategy in Camden – London Target set in 2006 By % of Household waste to be recycled. 11/20/recycling-rates-drop-in-almost-half-of- london-boroughs/
Case Study: ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ in Camden, NW London / Hong Kong What does it involve? Which of 3R’s? How is consumption reduced? Success or Failure? Names of Strategies
Use the resources for Hong Kong recycling on the wikispace
Resource substitution