Chapter 1: Foundations of Government Government provides the framework and institutions through which decisions are made for the well-being of a group of people.
Sec. 1: The Purposes of Government
Do Now Write three sentences explaining what government is and why it is important.
Learning Goals Objectives (You will learn…) what government is. which major characteristics all states share. the major functions of government. what theories of rule have been put forth to explain government. Essential Question What are the ideals and key principals that characterize American democracy?
What is Government? Government Formal structures & institutions where decisions are made for people. Power Government’s authority & ability to do get things done. Policy Any decision made by gov’t in pursuit of a goal.
State Political community of people living within a defined territory. Characteristics: Population, Territory, Government, and sovereignty. Sovereignty Supreme power of the state to act within its territory. Politics Process by which gov’t makes & carries out decisions as to whose interests will be served.
Functions of Gov’t Ensure National Security (Military) Maintain Order (Police, Courts) Resolve Conflict Politics: Process by which gov’t makes & carries out decisions. Provide Services (Education, Mass Transit) Provide for the Public Good (Public good vs. minority rights)
Theories of Rule Legitimacy Rulers are seen as right & proper by nation’s population. Divine Right of Kings A theory that the king is answerable only to God. Natural Law & Natural Rights Provides a just and rational order to all thing in the world, including human behavior. Social Contract Theory 1 st gov’t formed by people through submitting to the authority of the state, which in turn would protect & support them. (Hobbes’ Leviathan, Locke, Rousseau)
Group Work In small groups identify a law you must follow in your daily lives. Brainstorm what life would be like without that law. Consider both the positive and negative results. You will share your group’s thoughts with the rest of the class.
Exit Slip “[In a state of war] No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”