Immediate Starter - in squares Task: Complete the jigsaw then using the whiteboards share ideas; L4 Describe the scene, what is going on? L5 Explain what this tells you about life in Australia and how it’s different to life in the UK L6 Explain how this may encourage (or discourage) people to visit or move to Australia HINT! Getting Harder
So, where actually is Australia? United Kingdom Australia Extension - How would you describe where Australia is located in relation to the U.K?
Moving to Australia L4 - To describe the attractions of life in Australia L5 - To explain why people would choose to migrate to Australia L6 - To evaluate the attraction of life in Australia - would everyone want to move there?
Why would you leave this? Extension - Can you break this up in to Social, Economic & Environmental factors?
Group Task Working in your squares you are going to visit 4 stations during this lesson 5 mins at each station, 1 of the stations will be in the corridor to listen to the audio files During the each task add some notes in the correct box to help you with the final question
Moving to Australia L4 - To describe the attractions of life in Australia L5 - To explain why people would choose to migrate to Australia L6 - To evaluate the attraction of life in Australia - would everyone want to move there? Hands up if you can do any of these yet? Show me!
Task - Young People Task - Listen to the clip. Note down the reasons why Laura is leaving the UK for life down under in Australia Categorise her reasons in to groups Extension - Can you think of any future disadvantages for her and her husband of moving away from the UK?
Task - What are the push and pull factors? Sort the cards in to two columns; push (forces out of a country) and pull (attracts you to a country) factors Then rank them from most likely to make you want to move there to least likely Can you categorise the reasons for moving? Extension - Which reasons would most appeal to Young or Old people?
What is life like in Australia Use the QR codes to find out what life is like for people in Australia How does this lifestyle attract people to go and live in Australia? Extension - What are the downsides to life in Australia?
Indicators of Development Play top trumps with the cards to see which country has the best Quality of Life How do these cards educate us about each country? Extension - Use the atlas to compare life in the UK and Australia (Pages for statistics)
Why would you move to Australia? Push factors? Pull factors?
Improve your PEE Give one fully developed reason why people migrate to Australia Literacy ideas; nouns (people, places, things), adjectives (beautiful), verbs (playing, seeing, doing), connectives (because, meaning that, therefore) Migrate Employment Quality of Life Money Outdoors Nature Say why Weather Sports BBQs Relaxation
Moving to Australia L4 - To describe the attractions of life in Australia L5 - To explain why people would choose to migrate to Australia L6 - To evaluate the attraction of life in Australia - would everyone want to move there?
Why do people want to migrate to Australia? Young PeoplePush and Pull Factors Quality of LifeThe Australian Lifestyle Can you mark on the location of both the UK and Australia? Extension - How would you describe the location of Australia? Give one fully developed reason why people migrate to Australia P oint E vidence E xplain
QR codes - use the RedLaser app Literacy challenge Literacy & Pictures - Life is good Australian culture Life in Australia 23 reasons to live in Australia Why are Britons moving back home?
Keywords Migration - To move from one country to another for a long period of time Quality of Life - How much happiness, freedom and human rights people have access to Work-life balance - How much leisure time people are able to have in relation to work time Push Factors - bad things that force (or cause) people to want to leave a country, e.g. war, racism or famine Pull Factors - good attractions that encourage people to want to move in to a new country e.g. good quality of life, high standard of living.
Keywords (2) Emigration - leaving one country to settle in another permanently Immigration - joining a new country from another permanently Lifestyle - the day to day life of a person, place or culture Cost of living - the price of living in a certain place ranked on specific things