Rocks and Minerals Prep
All rocks are made of minerals.
What is the hardest minerals on the Mohs hardness scale?? Diamond
What type of properties are best to identify minerals? Characteristic properties Crystalline structure, reaction with acid, hardness, transparency, luster Properties like size, shape, color, mass…can change and don’t help identify
The scale ranking minerals from softest to hardest is called? Hard Rock ratings Durability scale Mohs hardness scale Light refraction None of the above
Rocks and minerals are used in construction, hygiene products, and decorations
When you can see through a mineral sample, but the image is blurry, it is called… translucent transparent opaque glassy brilliant
Minerals are inorganic materials found naturally on earth
Synthetic minerals are considered real minerals.
What profession studies rocks, minerals, and other inorganic parts of the earth Geologist
How are igneous rocks formed? The cooling of magma
How are metamorphic rocks formed? Heat and pressure
How are sedimentary rocks formed? Weathering, compacting, cementing
What is an intrusive igneous rock? An igneous rocks that forms from the cooling of magma beneath the earth’s surface
What is an extrusive igneous rock? An igneous rock that forms from the cooling of lava above the earth’s surface.
When a mineral breaks in a ragged line What is fracture? When a mineral breaks in a ragged line
When a mineral breaks in a sharp line. What is cleavage? When a mineral breaks in a sharp line.
Dull, glassy, and brilliant are all used to describe a mineral’s … Luster
Rocks and minerals are renewable resources
What are some examples of igneous rocks? Obsidian, granite, kimberlite, basalt, pumice
What are some examples of metamorphic rocks? Slate, gneiss, marble
What are some examples of sedimentary rocks? Limestone, coal, sandstone
The law of superpostion states that older rocks are on the bottom.
What is the softest mineral on the Mohs hardness scale? Talc
See next slide for answer Draw out the rock cycle. See next slide for answer
What is crystalline structure? The organization of a specific set of atoms that are arranged in a repeating pattern
What is the difference between magma and lava? Magma is molten rock beneath the earth’s surface. Lava is molten rock above the earth’s surface.